

Being with Heart: How to Thrive in Life with a Tender Heart【電子書籍】[ Pascale Dellefield ]
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<p>Being With Heart is a mindful prescription for the heart of compassion. It takes the reader on a journey accompanied by colorful child-like symbolic characters pictured in a whimsical world. Each character teaches profound lessons about facing everyday life and thriving with an open and tender heart.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いし...
Un gran jugador de equipo remoto【電子書籍】[ Xn Partners ]
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<p>La declaraci?n de pandemia de covid-19 por parte de la OMS en marzo de 2020 provoc? la acelerada adopci?n del trabajo a distancia y afect? la din?mica de todo tipo de organizaciones y la vida de familias e individuos en todo el mundo.<br /> En pocas semanas muchas personas se vieron en la necesidad de comenzar a trabajar en forma remota (muchos, por primera vez en su vida) para interactuar ...
Not Just Yet【電子書籍】[ Eileen Gleeson Peters ]
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<p>Not Just Yet by Eileen Gleeson Peters is a self-help book that is filled with tools, practices and strategies to achieve and maintain wellness.</p> <p>"This book came from an idea, a thought. One thought borrowed another and then another. I had the thought: the idea that I could heal fears, phobias and addictions over 20 years ago and this is the road that it has brought me down. If I had...
Your Number Dictionary【電子書籍】[ Jacquelin F. Grant ]
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<p>People who play number games such as lottery and others can find the meaning for numbers one to thirty-seven that will help you to understand game stories played, and number meanings for a wide range of words making it easier to buy tickets of dreams, rakes and events. Included are historical game series and stories.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ペ...
Aprendizaje Inconsciente Consciente AIC【電子書籍】[ Alonso Silver ]
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<p>Milton Erickson, el padre de la Hipnosis cl?nica Moderna describe su experiencia al perder su capacidad de caminar debido a la Poliomielitis.</p> <p><</p> <p>?De qu? manera pod?a entretenerme? Empec? a observar a la gente y el entorno. Pronto aprend? que mis hermanas pod?an decir “no” cuando en realidad quer?an decir “s?”, y pod?an decir “s?” y al mismo tiempo querer decir “no...
31 Days of Dialog (Writing Prompts)【電子書籍】[ Martha Bechtel ]
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<p>From one-liners to sarcastic banter, these plot bunnies are all set to take your muses for a wild ride! Some of the prompts are serious, some silly, some sad, but all of them trapped neatly between quotation marks.</p> <p>This eBook contains 31 prose prompts, which are one or more sentences of story. This type of prompt is meant to invoke a setting, emotion, or plot idea. They can be used...
A Road Through Hell【電子書籍】[ Ray Vance ]
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<p>A Road Through Hell is a written account of Ray's life, his anecdotes, and his confessions as well. Ray Vance was born and raised in Somerset, Ohio. He currently lives in Stapleton, in Southern Alabama. Ray lived a life of Thirty-plus years in active addiction and alcoholism, experienced jails, institutions, homelessness, even death, and still he continued to use. This is not just a story of ...
The Rod in Your Hands【電子書籍】[ Larre Ocheja ]
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<p>This is an easy-to-read e-book that will show you how to change the outcome of your life by changing your mindset. it will reveal to you the talents and gifts hidden inside of you and how to maximize them. It will also teach parents how to help their kids discover their gifts and talents early in life.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願い...
Perch? Le Pecore Non Si Deprimono? Una Guida Alla Felicit?【電子書籍】[ Joan Pont ]
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<p>"Se la vita di oggi mi chiede tanto, cosa posso fare per essere all'altezza?<br /> ? uno dei grandi interrogativi del nostro tempo, un'incertezza che ci crea seri problemi di ansia.<br /> Da bambino, nella fattoria di mia nonna, ho scoperto che le pecore non hanno la depressione: perch? loro no e noi s?? C'era qualcosa che ci rendeva diversi, qualcosa che ho scoperto in et? adulta quando,...
10 Simple Steps to Find Happiness【電子書籍】[ Giuseppe Moschella ]
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<p>Giuseppe provides the reader 10 practical tools to find happiness every single day.</p> <p>After encountering an individual who couldn't seem to find joy in his every day life, the author was inspired to help this individual and others like him by sharing his experiences on how he's found contentment in simple ways accessible to all.</p> <p>In this book, you'll discover that anyone ca...
Smart Women: Wise Choices【電子書籍】[ Jackirae Sagouspe ]
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<p>The US has 12.3 million women-owned businesses, generating $1.8 trillion a year. Women are drawn to entrepreneurship because of necessity and/or desire to freely express and monetize themselves. Some women stumble into entrepreneurship, others are very intentional. Whatever the motivation, entrepreneurial women can run the risk of failing if they don’t have the right guidance, support and “...
Buddha's Beauty Eternal【電子書籍】[ Roditch ]
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<p>Original photographs and words inspired by Buddha and other wonderful beings that have touched my life and helped me see the light. I hope this book will give you the insight to find your way too.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。...
Direct Hit: A Golf Pro's Remarkable Journey Back From Traumatic Brain Injury【電子書籍】[ Kathleen Klawitter ]
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<p>Kathleen Klawitter knows the real meaning of resilience. It’s evident in her courageous, yet captivating, journey from being a pioneering golf pro teaching the holistic approach in the early 90’s, to sustaining a traumatic brain injury from a speeding golf ball, to discovering remarkable tools to awaken, deepen, and transform her life on every level. With refreshing candor, Kathleen regales...
Aptavani-14 Part-2【電子書籍】[ Dada Bhagwan ]
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<p>The book presented here reveals the properties of the Self and identifies the problems because of which we are unable to realize the Self. The book is divided into two subparts: Part 2<br /> This part discusses the six elements (soul, matter, gatisahayak, sthitisahayak ,kaal and akash) in details and how the whole world is a combination of these elements, and explains the characteristics of...
Dlaczego Owce Nie Wpadaj? W Depresj?? Przewodnik Po Szcz??Ciu【電子書籍】[ Joan Pont ]
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<p>"Je?li ?ycie dzisiaj tak wiele ode mnie wymaga, to co mog? zrobi?, aby mu sprosta??".<br /> Jest to jedno z wielkich pyta? naszych czas?w, niepewno??, kt?ra powoduje u nas powa?ne problemy l?kowe.<br /> Jako dziecko, na farmie mojej babci, odkry?em, ?e owce nie maj? depresji. Dlaczego one nie, a my tak? By?o co?, co nas r??ni?o, co?, co odkry?em w doros?ym ?yciu, gdy zanurzony w ciemno?ci...
Consulting in a Post-Covid World. Strategies for Launching and Growing Your Consulting Business in the New Normal【電子書籍】[ Ashton Wood ]
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<p>The impact of the COVID-19 virus has been nothing short of a chaotic and devastating experience for people all over the world. Despite some individuals discovering new opportunities, the truth remains that countless hardworking and reliable people have experienced the loss of their businesses and job security, resulting in a profound and enduring change in their lives. As a result of lockdown...
How to Complete a Nightmare: Responding Creatively to Disturbing Dreams【電子書籍】[ Len Worley ]
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<p>How to Complete a Nightmare asserts that there are no bad dreams. There are only difficult ones, and these dreams intend to help us. Psychologist-trained Len Worley demonstrates that disturbing dreams are part of Nature’s evolutionary push to help us face anything within ourselves that leaves us disempowered, afraid, or weak.</p> <p>Dr. Worley proposes that even so-called trauma dreams, ...
12 Commandments of Independent Self-Publishing【電子書籍】[ Joan Pont ]
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<p>In this essential new guide for writers who publish their books independently, Joan Pont delves into the 12 basic rules that will allow them to reach the goal of a literary career full of achievements and satisfactions.</p> <p>The world of self-publishing is vast, complicated and inaccessible for many beginning writers and can lead to immense frustration. Only with The 12 Commandments of ...
T?cnicas de automotivaci?n para conseguir tus objetivos【電子書籍】[ Juanjo Ramos ]
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<p>La motivaci?n es lo que explica por qu? las personas iniciamos, continuamos o completamos un determinado comportamiento. Los estados motivacionales se entienden como fuerzas que crean una disposici?n para participar en un comportamiento dirigido hacia un objetivo. La motivaci?n se deriva de la palabra motivo, que denota las necesidades, los deseos o los impulsos de una persona. Es el proceso ...
Network Marketing the Great Business Opportunity of the XXI Century【電子書籍】[ Ylich Tarazona ]
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<p>Extraordinary Instruction Manual for the ENTREPRENEURS of the New Economy that will help you to know the fascinating world of NETWORK MARKETING in Action.</p> <p>A training that will take you on a fantastic journey of Professional Rediscovery. Which allows you to know and master the Universal Principles to Successfully Develop Your MULTILEVEL Business Professionally, allowing you to maste...
Zambia’s Urban Areas【電子書籍】[ Paul Makasa ]
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<p>Urbanism, urbanisation and the modernising influence penetrated Zambia through two routes that dovetailed faith with economic enterprise ? through missionaries and the mercantile capitalism of the British South Africa Company and the African Lakes Company. These enterprises exploited, administered, transported and defended the mineral endowments of the territory.</p> <p>Christianity arriv...
Cesspool of Nepotism【電子書籍】[ C.C. Chamberlane ]
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<p>Running a family business is no piece of cake. It is far more difficult when you are not related! Hiring that should never happen, firing that you are barred from doing and promotions of underqualified and untrustworthy family members can all challenge your leadership. Cesspool of Nepotism give you a glimpse into a few businesses, based on very personal experience, and helps detail how to nav...
Human Resources Management: A Guide on How to Implement HR Best Practices Includes Ready Structured Procedures and Forms【電子書籍】[ Elias Soussi ]
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<p>In this book, I will put in your hand my long career experience outcomes. As an operations excellence expert, used to work as a continuous improvement implementer, I experienced ?approximately- all main processes in business. As a default result for continuously improving processes, we eventually touch the best practice in any process, procedure and activity. Human resources management become...
Out of the Box: My Response to Everyone Who Said I Could Never Sell Real Estate【電子書籍】[ Denise Schroder ]
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<p>After being told she should never get into real estate, Denise Schroder rose to the challenge!<br /> Denise’s journey from broken to barrier breaker encompasses every aspect of her life. The negative words spoken into her, while temporarily debilitating, eventually became the fuel to take her goals from being dreams to being reality.</p> <p>After many trials and failures, Denise marrie...
Samenvatting van Richard H. Thaler & Cass R. Sunstein's Nudge【電子書籍】[ Elly Stroo Cloeck ]
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<p>Effici?nte, Nederlandstalige Samenvatting van Nudge, The Final Edition uit 2021, die je in 45 minuten kunt lezen. Over het oorspronkelijke, Engelstalige boek: Hoe kunnen wij onszelf en onze samenleving ertoe brengen om de juiste keuzes te maken, keuzes die ons gezonder en gelukkiger maken en waardoor we over meer welvaart en vrijheid beschikken? We kunnen mensen met zachte hand ? met een nudg...
48 Laws of Successful Dating Vol. 1【電子書籍】[ Decarlos Stewart ]
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<p>"From Detroit With Love: A Collection of Dating Laws" is a compelling and insightful book written by Carlos Stewart, a native Detroiter, who draws from his lifetime of dating experience to offer practical advice to those seeking meaningful relationships. This book is a must-read for anyone who is looking to improve their dating skills and find the love of their life.</p> <p>The book is di...
Collateral Beauty【電子書籍】[ Lauretta Ofulue ]
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<p>“Collateral Beauty” is amazing, heart-breaking, poignant and uplifting, all at the same time. Lauretta Ofulue’s acoustic honesty about living through the loss of her child takes your breath away, yet underneath the sadness of her loss is the powerful choice she makes to comfort her grief, understand it and with the grace of God, turn it into something positive. The writing is powerful and ...
The Truth about God: How to Find Joy and Peace (2nd Edition)【電子書籍】[ T. C. Maloney ]
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<p>God loves you and wants to have a relationship with you, but you have to decide if you want to know God and obey His Laws - He will not force Himself upon you. This book is about God; His character and attributes; His Son, Jesus Christ; What you can do to get to know Him; His Word, the Holy Bible; His Law, The Ten Commandments; Prayer.<br /> It is also about getting 'Right' with God - Right...
Los secretos de la autoeducaci?n y la autoformaci?n: Los tres
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<p>"Los secretos de la autoeducaci?n y la autoformaci?n" es un libro que te ense?ar? c?mo mejorar tus habilidades y competencias para alcanzar tus metas y convertirte en la mejor versi?n de ti mismo. Con los tres "yo" (consiente, presente y futuro) y siete pilares del ?xito (talento, habilidad, conocimiento, experiencia, competencia, valores y tareas) descubrir?s las claves para autoeducarte y a...
TECHNICAL ANALYSIS AND ONLINE TRADING - Indicators and Oscillators in Excel【電子書籍】[ Daniele Lemigni ]
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<p>Within this publication you will find Excel formulas to create the graphs of 33, among the most important, technical analysis indicators and oscillators. Advance Decline Line, Average True Range, Bollinger Bands, DEMA, Envelopes, Exponential Moving Average, Weighted Moving Average, Simple Moving Average, Money Flow Index, Negative Volume Index, On Balance Volume, Pivot Point, Positive Volume ...