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Jetprime ジェットプライム VELOCITY STACKS R3 YAMAHA ヤマハ
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■詳細説明These velocity stacks we have developed for the Yamaha R3 arenecessary to improve the air intake during the phases of openingthe throttle control.Due to the particular shape,this allows a reduction in airturbulence during the suction phase,improves the air intake frominside the air box,facilitates the intake and reduces the responsetime of the engine especially when you have a violent o...
NA Metal Craft エヌエーメタルクラフト ロングファンネル CBR250RR(MC51) HONDA ホンダ
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■商品概要クリアアルマイト■詳細説明もて耐WT250 AP250 などクローズドサーキット用スロットルボディーエアーファンネルになります。低中速重視の設計になっております。取り付けボルトは純正品を使用します。図のような方向で本体取り付けです。プレートは同時に装着してスロボに押し込みます。■注意点※メーカー都合により商品の仕様変更がある場合がございます。ご了承ください。■適合車種CBR250RR(MC51) CBR250RR(MC51)...
KSPP ケーエスピーピー Velocity stack Kawasaki Versys1000 VERSYS1000 KAWASAKI カワサキ
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■商品概要The material is ABS plastic. no heat accumulation Does not shrinkat high rpm■詳細説明The velocity stack (horn) is something that many people might notcare about in terms of engine power,but if you study the principleof operation of the actual engine,you will find that it is the partthat can determine the engine torque as well. Or can increase thepower of the engine in another way,apart...
KSPP ケーエスピーピー Velocity stack Honda-CBR1000RR_2017-2020 CBR1000RR RACE BASED MODEL CBR1000RR-R FIREBLADE CBR1000RR-R Fireblade SP RACE BASED MODEL CBR1000RR HONDA ホンダ
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■商品概要The material is ABS plastic. no heat accumulation Does not shrinkat high rpm■詳細説明This year,the KSPP R&D team has researched the Bigbike modelmarket,which is popular for the Thai car market. Especially for theBigbike family Honda CBR1000RR by disciples who want strength.First of all is the exhaust pipe. Which has many bands to choosefrom,both genuine,Thai,copy,the next is to rem...
KSPP ケーエスピーピー Velocity stack Kawasaki_Z1000 Z1000 (Water-cooled) KAWASAKI カワサキ
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■商品概要The material is ABS plastic. no heat accumulation Does not shrinkat high rpm■詳細説明It is a horn for the z1000 model. It can be attached to thethrottle. and the original air filter,no need to bend the otherbrushesBy removing the original air filter pipe and installing theKSPP horn instead,it can clearly increase engine efficiency. Makez1000 more powerful.A horn is a trumpet-shaped devi...
KSPP ケーエスピーピー Velocity stack Honda CBR1000RR [2012-2016] CBR1000RR CBR1000RR RACE BASED MODEL SH150 HONDA ホンダ
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■商品概要The material is ABS plastic. no heat accumulation Does not shrinkat high rpm■詳細説明The velocity stack (horn) is something that many people might notcare about in terms of engine power,but if you study the principleof operation of the actual engine,you will find that it is the partthat can determine the engine torque as well. Or can increase thepower of the engine in another way,apart...
KSPP ケーエスピーピー Velocity stack Honda-CBR1000RR_2017-2020 CBR1000RR HONDA ホンダ
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■商品概要BlackThe material is ABS plastic. no heat accumulation Does not shrinkat high rpm■詳細説明This year,the KSPP R&D team has researched the Bigbike modelmarket,which is popular for the Thai car market.Especially for the Bigbike family Honda CBR1000RR by disciples whowant strength.First of all is the exhaust pipe.Which has many bands to choose from,both genuine,Thai,copy,the nextis to ...
KSPP ケーエスピーピー Velocity stack Honda CB1300 CB1300SB HONDA ホンダ
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■商品概要The material is ABS plastic. no heat accumulation Does not shrinkat high rpm■詳細説明The velocity stack (horn) is something that many people might notcare about in terms of engine power,but if you study the principleof operation of the actual engine,you will find that it is the partthat can determine the engine torque as well. Or can increase thepower of the engine in another way,apart...
KSPP ケーエスピーピー Velocity stack Yamaha MT07 MT07 YAMAHA ヤマハ
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■商品概要BlackThe material is ABS plastic. no heat accumulation Does not shrinkat high rpm■詳細説明The velocity stack (horn) is something that many people might notcare about in terms of engine power,but if you study the principleof operation of the actual engine,you will find that it is the partthat can determine the engine torque as well.Or can increase the power of the engine in another way,...
KSPP ケーエスピーピー Velocity stack Honda CBR1000RR-R CBR1000RR-R FIREBLADE CBR1000RR-R Fireblade SP RACE BASED MODEL HONDA ホンダ
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■商品概要The material is ABS plastic. no heat accumulation Does not shrinkat high rpm■詳細説明The velocity stack (horn) is something that many people might notcare about in terms of engine power,but if you study the principleof operation of the actual engine,you will find that it is the partthat can determine the engine torque as well. Or can increase thepower of the engine in another way,apart...
KSPP ケーエスピーピー Velocity stack Honda CBR1000RR-R CBR1000RRR HONDA ホンダ
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■商品概要BlackThe material is ABS plastic. no heat accumulation Does not shrinkat high rpm■詳細説明The velocity stack (horn) is something that many people might notcare about in terms of engine power,but if you study the principleof operation of the actual engine,you will find that it is the partthat can determine the engine torque as well.Or can increase the power of the engine in another way,...
KSPP ケーエスピーピー Velocity stack Yamaha MT07 MT-07 (FZ-07) YAMAHA ヤマハ
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■商品概要The material is ABS plastic. no heat accumulation Does not shrinkat high rpm■詳細説明The velocity stack (horn) is something that many people might notcare about in terms of engine power,but if you study the principleof operation of the actual engine,you will find that it is the partthat can determine the engine torque as well. Or can increase thepower of the engine in another way,apart...
KSPP ケーエスピーピー Velocity stack Kawasaki_Z1000 Z1000 KAWASAKI カワサキ
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■商品概要BlackThe material is ABS plastic. no heat accumulation Does not shrinkat high rpm■詳細説明It is a horn for the z1000 model.It can be attached to the throttle.and the original air filter,no need to bend the other brushesByremoving the original air filter pipe and installing the KSPP horninstead,it can clearly increase engine efficiency.Make z1000 more powerful.A horn is a trumpet-shaped ...
KSPP ケーエスピーピー Velocity stack Honda CBR1000RR [2012-2016] CBR1000RR HONDA ホンダ
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■商品概要BlackThe material is ABS plastic. no heat accumulation Does not shrinkat high rpm■詳細説明The velocity stack (horn) is something that many people might notcare about in terms of engine power,but if you study the principleof operation of the actual engine,you will find that it is the partthat can determine the engine torque as well.Or can increase the power of the engine in another way,...
KSPP ケーエスピーピー Velocity stack Kawasaki_zx10r ZX10R KAWASAKI カワサキ
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■商品概要BlackThe material is ABS plastic. no heat accumulation Does not shrinkat high rpm■詳細説明The velocity stack (horn) is something that many people might notcare about in terms of engine power,but if you study the principleof operation of the actual engine,you will find that it is the partthat can determine the engine torque as well.Or can increase the power of the engine in another way,...
KSPP ケーエスピーピー Velocity stack Honda CB1300 CB1300 HONDA ホンダ
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■商品概要BlackThe material is ABS plastic. no heat accumulation Does not shrinkat high rpm■詳細説明The velocity stack (horn) is something that many people might notcare about in terms of engine power,but if you study the principleof operation of the actual engine,you will find that it is the partthat can determine the engine torque as well.Or can increase the power of the engine in another way,...
KSPP ケーエスピーピー Velocity stack Kawasaki_zx10r NINJA ZX-10R KAWASAKI カワサキ
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■商品概要The material is ABS plastic. no heat accumulation Does not shrinkat high rpm■詳細説明The velocity stack (horn) is something that many people might notcare about in terms of engine power,but if you study the principleof operation of the actual engine,you will find that it is the partthat can determine the engine torque as well. Or can increase thepower of the engine in another way,apart...
CB400F CB350F CRキャブ対応アルミファンネルセット (アルミ地肌) HONDA 旧車 絶版バイク
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■適応車種:HONDA 1975~77年式 旧CB400F 398cc・408cc用。逆車にもOK。 ■適応車種:HONDA 1972~1974年式 旧CB350F用。逆車にもOK。 ■CRキャブレター専用のアルミファンネル4個セットです。 ■純正の黒色プラスチック製からこれに交換しますと、とても豪華なキャブレターに変身しカッコよくなります。ご注意:モニターの発色具合によって実際の商品と色合いが異なる場合があります。...
BRC ビーアールシー CRキャブ対応アルミファンネルセット CB400フォア (空冷) HONDA ホンダ
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■商品概要バフがけ仕様イモネジ固定タイプ入数:アルミファンネル×4個(イモネジ付)■詳細説明CRキャブレター用アルミファンネルです。■注意点※キャブレター本体の個体差により加工が必要な場合があります。※メーカー都合により商品の仕様変更がある場合がございます。ご了承ください。■適合車種CB400フォア (空冷) CB400フォア (空冷) 年式: 75-77  備考: 398cc CB400フォア (空冷) 年式: 75-77  備考: 408cc...
【セール対象品】KH Engineering MK-063 S&S Bキャブレター用 砂型鋳造ファンネル アルミ ガッツ クローム mk-063
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商品内容 商品名 KH Engineering MK-063 S&S Bキャブレター用 砂型鋳造ファンネル アルミ 状態 新品未使用 内容 kHエンジニアリング製職人の手で生み出されたBキャブ用砂型鋳造ファンネルです。鋳肌のBキャブに違和感無くマッチするデザインとなっています。砂型鋳造による風合いと金属の経年変化により使っているうちにますます味わい深くなっていくアイテムです。長さ:約50mm※ご注意下さい。こちらの商品は現在お取り寄せ扱いとなりますので通常納...
NA Metal Craft エヌエーメタルクラフト エアーファンネル CBR250RR HONDA ホンダ
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■詳細説明もて耐WT250 AP250 などクローズドサーキット用スロットルボディーエアーファンネルになります。高回転重視の設計になっております。取り付けボルトは純正品を使用します。図のような方向で本体取り付けです、プレートは同時に装着してスロボに押し込みます。■注意点※レース専用部品になりますので公道使用はできません。■適合車種CBR250RR CBR250RR  備考: MC51...
部品屋K&W ベロシティースタック HARLEY-DAVIDSON ハーレーダビッドソン 素材:ブラス(真鍮)キャスト製ポリッシュ済み
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■注意■この商品は下記となります。必ずご確認ください。素材:ブラス(真鍮)キャスト製ポリッシュ済み■他の商品はこちらです他の選択肢はこちら※リンク先に商品がない場合、すでに完売している商品となります。予めご了承ください。■商品概要■SUキャブ用全長(ステー込み):約110mm取り付けステーの厚み:約10mm■注意点※メーカー都合により商品の仕様変更がある場合がございます。ご了承ください。■適合車種   備考: SUキャブ...
【メーカー在庫あり】 S&S E/Gキャブ用 4inファンネル 17-0333 JP店
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S&S E/Gキャブ用 4inファンネルS&S スーパーE/Gキャブレター長さ:4in材質:アルミ【付属品】ファンネル×1【特長】S&Sキャブ専用のファンネルです。吸気効率が最大級になるのはもちろんのこと、見た目にもやる気が伝わるデザインです。17-0333楽天 JP店 ...
【メーカー在庫あり】 S&S E/Gキャブ用 4inファンネル 17-0333 HD店
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S&S E/Gキャブ用 4inファンネルS&S スーパーE/Gキャブレター長さ:4in材質:アルミ【付属品】ファンネル×1【特長】S&Sキャブ専用のファンネルです。吸気効率が最大級になるのはもちろんのこと、見た目にもやる気が伝わるデザインです。17-0333楽天 HD店 ...
KSPP ケーエスピーピー Velocity stack GSX-s750 GSX-S 750 SUZUKI スズキ
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■商品概要The material is ABS plastic. no heat accumulation Does not shrinkat high rpm■詳細説明The velocity stack (horn) is something that many people might notcare about in terms of engine power,but if you study the principleof operation of the actual engine,you will find that it is the partthat can determine the engine torque as well. Or can increase thepower of the engine in another way,apart...
KSPP ケーエスピーピー Velocity stack Kawasaki_Z900 Z900 KAWASAKI カワサキ
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■商品概要The material is ABS plastic. no heat accumulation Does not shrinkat high rpm■詳細説明It is a horn for the z900 model. It can be attached to thethrottle. and the original air filter,no need to bend the otherbrushesBy removing the original air filter pipe and installing theKSPP horn instead,it can clearly increase engine efficiency. Makez900 more powerful.A horn is a trumpet-shaped device...
KSPP ケーエスピーピー Velocity stack Kawasaki_zx6r ZX6R KAWASAKI カワサキ
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■商品概要BlackThe material is ABS plastic. no heat accumulation Does not shrinkat high rpm■詳細説明The velocity stack (horn) is something that many people might notcare about in terms of engine power,but if you study the principleof operation of the actual engine,you will find that it is the partthat can determine the engine torque as well.Or can increase the power of the engine in another way,...
KSPP ケーエスピーピー Velocity stack Kawasaki_zx6r Ninja ZX-6R KAWASAKI カワサキ
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■商品概要The material is ABS plastic. no heat accumulation Does not shrinkat high rpm■詳細説明The velocity stack (horn) is something that many people might notcare about in terms of engine power,but if you study the principleof operation of the actual engine,you will find that it is the partthat can determine the engine torque as well. Or can increase thepower of the engine in another way,apart...
KSPP ケーエスピーピー Velocity stack Yamaha-MT09 MT09 YAMAHA ヤマハ
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■商品概要BlackThe material is ABS plastic. no heat accumulation Does not shrinkat high rpm■詳細説明The velocity stack (horn) is something that many people might notcare about in terms of engine power,but if you study the principleof operation of the actual engine,you will find that it is the partthat can determine the engine torque as well.Or can increase the power of the engine in another way,...
KSPP ケーエスピーピー Velocity stack Kawasaki_z800 Z800 KAWASAKI カワサキ
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■商品概要BlackThe material is ABS plastic. no heat accumulation Does not shrinkat high rpm■詳細説明It is a horn for the z800 model.It can be attached to the throttle.and the original air filter,no need to bend the other brushesBy removing the original air filter pipe and installing the KSPPhorn instead,it can clearly increase engine efficiency.Make z800 more powerful.A horn is a trumpet-shaped d...