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■COMPUTERS & SCIENCE 【価格の安い順】(件)
<p>The term ‘science fiction’ conjures an image of aliens, laser guns, and dystopiaーa medley of wild, improbable scenarios and possibilities. As a literary genre, we can like it or hate it, but we can’t ignore the impact it has on our world, from influencing innovations to shaping public policy. While it may be easy to dismiss sci-fi as fantasy or imagination, it isn’t as easy to disregard t...
<p>-How To Build a Website With WordPress...Fast! [3rd Edition]</p> <p>"Easily Build a Professional Website In 30 Minutes Using Our Simple Step-By-Step Guide"</p> <p>-Do you need a simple training guide? This guide is simple.<br /> -Are you short on time? This book is fast paced and easy to read!<br /> -Do you learn better with pictures? This book is FULL of pictures.<br /> -Invest...
<p>Municipalities can revitalize their communities and improve their finances by taking the future of broadband into their own hands. This book will help them understand how to do it. Drawing on case studies from public administrators and peer-reviewed literature, this book identifies the factors that determine success or failure for a publicly owned broadband network.</p> <p>The political d...
<p>The title ‘Why code’ justifies the contents of the book as its focuses on the necessary and valid reasons why any person should learn this art. The word ‘Why’ is quite significant as it lay down the foundation for the book as a whole as this word is strongly expressed in the book.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わら...
<p>This book is a reprint of two articles written by Mr. Sinclair for the Cosmopolitan Magazine on the general subject of fasting for health, together with the most interesting of the numerous newspaper comments that they brought forth, and the most significant letters written to him by private individuals asking his advice and detailing their own experiments along similar lines. There are also ...
<p>Travis shares the ups and downs of being Bi-Polar. He balances Bi-Polar with having Schizophrenia to live one of the most enjoyable lives a person with mental illness can lead. Travis shares what it is like to be depressed and low for days then all of a sudden have the switch flipped to being manic for days. The ups and downs are emotionally exhausting and he relies heavily on medication to l...
<p>Is Belle Isle an actual island? What unique distinction does it have? These and more questions are answered in this photographic introduction to Boston’s last remaining salt marsh.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。...
<p><strong>Quickly learn the street photography fundamentals you need to know so you can capture great photos!</strong></p> <p>Designed to help you conquer the philosophy and fundamental techniques of street photography, this handy and ultra-porquick reference <em>Pocket Guide</em> helps you get the shot when you’re out on the streets. Follow along with documentary and street photog...
<p>HS Journal is the first monthly publication dedicated to Hidradenitis Suppurativa and the people who endure it. Specifically for the purpose of raising HS awareness among the general public as well as the medical community.</p> <p>In this month's issue:</p> <p>Ask a Resident Nurse<br /> The Ultimate Escape<br /> Tales from the Medical Side<br /> Meet Kristen the Caregiver<br /...
<p>The HS Journal is dedicated to the topic of Hidradenitis Suppurativa and the people who endure it. Each issue includes stories about HS patients, news and events surrounding HS, and tips to help HS patients get the most out of life. The HS Journal promotes patient advocacy as well as encourages patients to implement self-advocacy.</p> <p>In this issue:</p> <p>First Bring HS to Light C...
<p>How much do you weigh? Not you personally but all of us, yes every single one of us alive today. This ebook is a companion to the YouTube video of the same title that puts us and the rest of nature on the scales. No one has done this before--but though the story is novel--its actually the implications of the book about who we are and what our future is going to be that will grab you the most....
<p>It’s important that you understand the importance of backlinks and why you need to begin developing a solid backlink campaign for your website.</p> <p>Think of backlinks as votes, and each time you secure a backlink to your website, the major search engines count it as a favorable vote for your site.</p> <p>Search engines determine how relevant (and important) your website is not jus...
<p>Antoine-Henri Jomini was the most celebrated writer on the Napoleonic art of war. Jomini was present at the majority of the most important battles of the Napoleonic Wars. His writing, therefore, is the most authoritative on the subject. In this fully illustrated version of 'The Art of War', he advises: "The art of war, as generally considered, consists of five purely military branches,-viz.: ...
<p>En Sustentabilidad ambiental y bienestar social la autora expone la situaci?n actual de M?xico en materia de desarrollo susteny conservaci?n del patrimonio natural, al tiempo que se?ala la urgente necesidad de generar una conciencia colectiva respecto a la dependencia de la humanidad de los recursos naturales y las consecuencias de explotarlos desmedidamente. En su discurso de ingreso a El Co...
<p>Niccol? Machiavelli considered this book his greatest achievement. Here you will learn how to recruit, train, motivate, and discipline an army. You will learn the difference between strategy and tactics. Machiavelli does a masterful job of breaking down and analyzing historic battles. This book of military knowledge belongs alongside Sun-Tzu on every device.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しば...
<p>Beginners All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code (BASIC) was developed by John G Kemeny and Thomas E Kurtz at Dartmouth College in U.S.A. in 1964. It is one of the simplest and easy to use computer languages. Basic is a High Level Programming Language, also termed as the Interpreter which reads one statement of a program at a time and executes appropriate instructions leading to some computati...
<p>El autor explica diferentes formas en que se han definido y conceptualizado las matem?ticas por diversos pensadores a lo largo de la historia, entre ellos, Plat?n, Galileo, Kepler, Karl Popper, etc. Adem?s, problematiza la forma en que se hace teor?a y se experimenta con las matem?ticas para luego exponer algunos problemas espec?ficos y c?mo ?stos son resueltos en la naturaleza, para ello ana...
<p>La Carta a la se?ora Cristina de Lorena, gran duquesa de Toscana (t?tulo original: Lettera a Madama Cristina di Lorena granduchessa di Toscana) es un carta escrita por el astr?nomo, cient?fico e intelectual Renacentista Galileo Galilei, en la que trata el problema de la religi?n y la ciencia. Por ello mismo se trata de un material sobre cr?tica textual, con valor literario e incluso teol?gico...
<p>El prop?sito de este trabajo es exponer algunas t?cnicas relacionadas con el an?lisis del crecimiento de las redes sociales y generalizar algunos resultados conocidos. Para ello, el autor emplea el teorema de Perron-Frobenius, el cual es un componente clave para los c?lculos num?ricos, y es la hip?tesis de una cota com?n para el n?mero de relaciones de cada individuo en la sociedad, que se co...
<p>En su discurso de ingreso, la doctora Estela Susana Lizano Sober?n expone brevemente su trayectoria acad?mica, as? como los retos que tuvo que enfrentar durante su formaci?n por el desarrollo incipiente que ten?a en ese momento la astronom?a en M?xico. Tambi?n se?ala su participaci?n en dos instituciones fundamentales de la Universidad Nacional Aut?noma de M?xico (UNAM): el Instituto de Astro...
<p><strong>James Joseph Walsh, M.D., LL.D., Litt.D., Sc.D. (1865-1942) was an American physician and author, born in New York City.</strong> He graduated from Fordham College in 1884 and from the University of Pennsylvania (M.D.) in 1895. After postgraduate work in Paris, Vienna and Berlin he settled in New York.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ペー...
<p>The purpose of this is to raise mental health awareness and educate all. The goal is to help people recognize the family, co-workers, friends, and associates who need help and to help you understand how to help them.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できま...
<p>El origen de las especies ーt?tulo original en ingl?s: On the Origin of Speciesー es un libro de Charles Darwin publicado el 24 de noviembre de 1859, considerado uno de los trabajos precursores de la literatura cient?fica y el fundamento de la teor?a de la biolog?a evolutiva.<br /> El t?tulo completo de la primera edici?n fue On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Pres...
<p>Collected here in one omnibus edition are Niccol? Machiavelli's most import works, The Art of War and The Prince. It was Niccol? Machiavelli who essentially removed ethics from government. He did it with The Prince, when he asserted that The Prince (president, dictator, prime minister, etc.) does not have to be concerned with ethics, as long as their motivation is to protect the state. It is ...
<p>Cr?nicas de una b?squeda est? divido en dos partes. La primera, titulada “Cr?nicas de una b?squeda: mis primeros cincuenta a?os en la ciencia”, es un relato de la trayectoria acad?mica de Pablo Rudomin, investigador del Centro de Investigaci?n y de Estudios Avanzados (Cinvestav) del Instituto Polit?cnico Nacional (IPN). En este texto describe c?mo ha ido evolucionando el conocimiento del si...
<p>In English & ti?ng Vi?t</p> <p>These are the most appropriate options - under my Absolute Principle - for Future Solutions.<br /> So - it could also be suggestions for navigating a new business model - for you to consider.</p> <p>??y l? nh?ng l?a ch?n ph? h?p nh?t - theo nguy?n t?c Tuy?t ??i c?a t?i - cho nh?ng gi?i ph?p v? T??ng lai.<br /> V? v?y - ?? c?ng c? th? l? nh?ng g?i ? c...
<p>Esta obra aborda el tema del universo de manera sucinta y expl?cita. El autor nos dice en la introducci?n que “existen dos principios filos?ficos acerca del universo que han tenido un papel importante en el desarrollo de la investigaci?n en astronom?a”. Dichos principios son el “principio cosmol?gico” y el “principio cosmol?gico perfecto”. De acuerdo con el autor, el primero “establece...