

從聽故事開始療癒:創傷後的身心整合之旅【電子書籍】[ 胡嘉キ ]
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<p><strong>復原力,其實就藏在傷痕裡。</strong></p> <p>?可知道,生命中潛藏的傷痕,比?想像得更多、更普遍。</p> <p>當人們面臨某個威脅、身心無法應對時,就面臨了身心創傷的可能;原本暫時?用的權宜之計,卻慢慢累積成?日操控我們的習慣與行為模式:</p> <p>一生氣就想飆車,明知危險卻還是無法克制自己?<br /> ?次遇到困難,都想要傷害自己,怎麼改也改不過來?<br /> 當事情不如預期,情緒失控,瘋狂血?、大吃大喝、作息日夜顛倒?...
Using Excel to Solve Statistical Problems: A Practical Guide to the Book “Statistics for Chemical and Process Engineers”【電子書籍】[ Yuri A.W. Shardt ]
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<p>This book provides a complete overview of how to use Excel to solve typical statistical problems in engineering. In addition to short sections on the required theory, the focus of the book is on detailed Excel examples for solving specific problems. Furthermore, solutions are provided for standard problems that can then be re-used and modified as necessary. End-of-chapter questions allow the ...
Gravity's Time【電子書籍】[ C. S. Unnikrishnan ]
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<p>This book is unique and exceptional in dealing with the notion of physical time rigorously, both logically and empirically. The central theme is the intimate relation between physical time and cosmic gravity. It establishes and explains, in an accessible manner, the one crucial physical fact that has been missed in the development of modern physicsーthat the enormous gravity of the matter and ...
Cybers?kerhetslexikon 1, #1【電子書籍】[ Christoffer Prokic ]
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<p>Lexikonet har utvecklats f?r tv? syften, en speciellt f?r att introducera administrat?rer till s?rbara industriella kontrollsystem, sjukv?rdssystem och SCADA system f?r cyberfysiska attacker. Det andra syftet ?r att underl?tta f?r studenter p? olika niv?er inom den h?gre utbildningen d? de l?ser kurser med engelsk kurslitteratur. Dock beh?ver studenterna veta hur man f?rsvarar kontrollsystem ...
Freudensprung Wie das Wunschkind leichter zu dir kommt【電子書籍】[ Namiah Beatrix Bauer ]
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<p>"Du darfst es nur nicht zu sehr wollen, dann klappt es schon!" - K?nnen Sie diesen Satz auch nicht mehr h?ren? Schwanger zu werden ist f?r viele Frauen der gr??te Wunsch in ihrem Leben. Doch Babys kommen nicht auf Bestellung. Sie haben keine Lust auf Druck und Terminstress - und streiken. Ein unerf?llter Kinderwunsch ist deshalb f?r jede Frau und jedes Paar die Chance auf eine geistige und se...
Diffraction Radiation from Relativistic Particles【電子書籍】[ Alexander Potylitsyn ]
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<p>This book deals with diffraction radiation, which implies the boundary problems of electromagnetic radiation theory. Diffraction radiation is generated when a charged particle moves near a target edge at a distance ( ? Lorentz factor, ? wave length). Diffraction radiation of non-relativistic particles is widely used to design intense emitters in the cm wavelength range. Diffraction radiation ...
Empiezo por m?【電子書籍】[ Carla Simeone ]
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<p><strong>Un libro para conocernos, encontrarnos, redise?arnos, perdonarnos, respetarnos y conseguir nuestros prop?sitos vitales.</strong></p> <p>Carla Simeone, coach profesional, nos lleva de la mano en una aventura fascinante que comienza con la premisa de que cada uno de nosotros somos el verdadero y gran protagonista de nuestra propia historia. Y a trav?s de sus p?ginas, nos invita ...
Sciatica Relief Workouts for Seniors: Sciatica Relief Workouts for Seniors: Gentle Exercises to Ease Pain, Improve Mobility, and Restore Comfort【電子書籍】[ Evergreen Press ]
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<p><strong>Living with sciatica can be challenging, especially as we age. The discomfort, tingling, or sharp pain radiating from the lower back to the legs can disrupt daily activities, limit mobility, and diminish quality of life. Sciatica Relief Workouts for Seniors is your comprehensive guide to regaining control and finding relief through safe, targeted exercises tailored to seniors.</str...
Delirmanagement im Krankenhaus Risiken erkennen und pr?ventiv handeln. Das demenzsensible Konzept des Universit?tsklinikums M?nster【電子書籍】[ Janina Santos Cid ]
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<p>Ein Krankenhausaufenthalt ist besonders f?r ?ltere Menschen ein einschneidendes Erlebnis. So erleiden 35 Prozent der ?ber-65-J?hrigen ein Delir. Bei Demenzerkrankten sind sogar 88 Prozent betroffen. Die Folgen sind, neben der massiven k?rperlichen Belastung, l?ngere Aufenthaltsdauer und eine h?here Sterblichkeit. Doch es gibt eine Strategie gegen das Delir: das sog. Delirmanagement, also die ...
Structure and Function of the Neural Cell Adhesion Molecule NCAM【電子書籍】
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<p>Adhesive interactions are important for cell trafficking, differentiation, function and tissue formation. In the nervous system, many cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) are involved in migration of neuroblasts, outgrowth and fasciculation of neuronal processes, formation of synapses and rearrangements of synaptic contacts associated with plasticity including learning and memory. More than eighty ...
Hand Book for Learning Algebra (A Teaching Learning Module on Algebraic Reasoning for middle stage students and teachers)【電子書籍】[ Prateek Chaurasia ]
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<p>The handbook is based on the intent to facilitate the mathematics teachers and students towards their algebra learning. The handbook contains nine different units based on the NCERT and different state boards' prescribed syllabi of mathematics. It provides systematic learning experiences to the learners' understanding of the abstract concepts of algebra, which improves the algebraic understan...
Corsa alla terra【電子書籍】[ Paolo De Castro ]
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<p>≪Sono tanti quelli disposti a sborsare miliardi per garantirsi grandi superfici coltivabili, spesso solo nominalmente vergini, marginali o spopolate, e c’? chi ? ben propenso a concederle. L’affare del secolo? ? la terra≫. L’instabilit? dei mercati delle materie prime agricole e i picchi dei prezzi alimentari, la crescita demografica e la modificazione delle diete a livello globale, i vinc...
Key Concepts in Environmental Chemistry【電子書籍】[ Grady Hanrahan ]
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<p><em>Key Concepts in Environmental Chemistry</em> provides a modern and concise introduction to environmental chemistry principles and the dynamic nature of environmental systems. It offers an intense, one-semester examination of selected concepts encountered in this field of study and provides integrated tools in explaining complex chemical problems of environmental importance. Principles...
Fluid Analysis for Mobile Equipment Condition Monitoring and Maintenance【電子書籍】[ Diego Navarro ]
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<p>Welcome to the wonderful, practical world of fluid analysis utilization.</p> <p>There are plenty of labs around the world processing millions of oil, coolant, and fuel samples every year. Most of them do very professional work, however, the data received from them usually fall into two main categories: 1). The information is incomplete for a <em>true</em> machine health assessment, or...
Studienbuch Theaterp?dagogik (E-Book, Neuausgabe) Grundlagen und Anregungen【電子書籍】[ Marcel Felder ]
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<p>Dieses E-Book enth?lt komplexe Grafiken und Tabellen, welche nur auf E-Readern gut lesbar sind, auf denen sich Bilder vergr?ssern lassen. Warum spielen Sch?lerinnen und Sch?ler gerne Theater? Soll man in der Schule ?berhaupt Theater spielen? Und wenn ja, was? Und was bringt es? Herrscht dann nicht Chaos im Schulzimmer? L?sst sich das ?berhaupt organisieren? Und wenn die Kinder nicht mehr aufh...
An Insider's Guide to Physician Engagement【電子書籍】[ Andrew Agwunobi ]
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<p>Physician engagement in a hospital or health system can be powerful. It can drive culture change; it can knock down operational, financial, and strategic challenges; and it can lead to better outcomes. But in many organizations, physicians are demoralized and disengaged. Why do physicians in one hospital demonstrate ownership in improving their organization's performance while those in anothe...
Impact of Scientific Computing on Science and Society【電子書籍】
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<p>This book analyzes the impact of scientific computing in science and society over the coming decades. It presents advanced methods that can provide new possibilities to solve scientific problems and study important phenomena in society. The chapters cover Scientific computing as the third paradigm of science as well as the impact of scientific computing on natural sciences, environmental scie...
Neue Entwicklungen in der Physik【電子書籍】[ IntroBooks Team ]
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<p>Entwicklung ist der Schl?ssel zum Fortschritt, und ohne Entwicklung gibt es in keinem Sektor oder Bereich eine einzige Chance auf Verbesserung. In Bezug auf die Physik kann gesagt werden, dass auf dem Gebiet der Physik ein gro?er Entwicklungsbedarf besteht. Es ist notwendig, den Entwicklungsbedarf und die Grundlage zu verstehen, aufgrund derer ein Entwicklungsbedarf besteht. Die neuen Entwick...
Genomics in Rheumatic Diseases, An Issue of Rheumatic Disease Clinics of North America【電子書籍】[ Carl D. Langefeld, PhD ]
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<p>This issue of Rheumatic Disease Clinics focuses on Genetics. Article topics cover: Genetic Influences on Susceptibility and Severity of Rheumatoid Arthritis; HLA-disease associations in rheumatoid arthritis; Autoinflammatory Syndromes as a Model of Monogenic Diseases; Genomic Influences on Hyperuricaemia and Gout; Genetics of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus; Genetics of Ankylosing Spondylitis;Ge...
The Future Is Now Solving the Climate Crisis with Today's Technologies【電子書籍】[ Bob McDonald ]
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<p>**<em>*NATIONAL BESTSELLER*</em></p> <p>Is a global pandemic what it took to show us that saving our planet is possible?**</p> <p>In the absence of motorized boats and gondolas, Venice’s waters have returned to a sparkling blue color. Deer have been spotted roaming cities in Italy, and mountain goats recently took over a small seaside town in Wales. Taking advantage of the decrea...
Rejuvenescer Com O Plasma Sangu?neo Dos Jovens【電子書籍】[ Carlos Herrero Carcedo ]
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<p>Desde os tempos antigos, o sangue tem sido considerado um m?todo de rejuvenescimento. Estudos recentes identificaram no sangue de animais e pessoas jovens a presen?a de certos fatores sol?veis respons?veis pelos efeitos rejuvenescedores.<br /> A transfus?o de plasma consiste na transfer?ncia, somente, da fra??o l?quida do sangue uma vez que todas as c?lulas tenham sido eliminadas. Esta t?cn...
Improve Your Digestion How to make your gut work for you and not against you【電子書籍】[ Patrick Holford BSc, DipION, FBANT ]
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<p><strong>Health starts in the gut, your second brain</strong></p> <p>If you have digestive issues such as bloating, indigestion or heartburn after meals, or tend towards constipation or IBS - or you simply don't feel energised by your food - <em>Improve Your Digestion</em> will show you how to tune up your gut. It offers an easy-to-follow road map that will help you achieve perfect...
Comparative Vertebrate Cognition Are Primates Superior to Non-Primates?【電子書籍】
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<p>This book explores afresh the long-standing interest, and emphasis on, the `special' capacities of primates. Some of the recent discoveries of the higher cognitive abilities of other mammals and also birds challenge the concept that primates are special and even the view that the cognitive ability of apes is more advanced than that of nonprimate mammals and birds. It is therefore timely to as...
Aromatherapy for Everyone A Practical and Easy-to-Use Guide to Unlocking the Powers of Essential Oils【電子書籍】[ Mary Shipley ]
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<p>Are you suffering from troublesome issues such as acne, anxiety, depression, muscle aches, respiratory problems, or insomnia? Or are you looking for an air freshener, antibacterial spray, or after-sun tonic without all those chemical additives? Whatever the matter at hand may be, there is a good chance that aromatherapy can offer you a noninvasive way to meet your need. <em><strong>Aromat...
Legal Epidemiology Theory and Methods【電子書籍】
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<p><strong>Explore how the law shapes and influences public health</strong></p> <p>In the newly revised second edition of <em>Legal Epidemiology: Theory and Methods</em>, a team of distinguished researchers delivers a thorough primer on the problems that arise in legal epidemiologyーand potential solutions to those problems. Following an introduction to the basic concepts of the field...
Esercizi di calcolo numerico svolti in Matlab【電子書籍】[ Antonio Galli ]
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<p><strong>Esercizi di Calcolo Numerico svolti in Matlab</strong></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。...
A textbook on Ordinary Differential Equations【電子書籍】[ Shair Ahmad ]
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<p>The book is a primer of the theory of Ordinary Differential Equations. Each chapter is completed by a broad set of exercises; the reader will also find a set of solutions of selected exercises. The book contains many interesting examples as well (like the equations for the electric circuits, the pendulum equation, the logistic equation, the Lotka-Volterra system, and many other) which introdu...
Mosaic of Minds Navigating the Coexistence of Artificial Intelligence and Humanity【電子書籍】[ Songyee Yoon ]
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<p><em>Mosaic of Minds</em> offers thought-provoking discussions on how to develop ethical AI that benefits humanity. As AI proliferates, complex philosophical questions about right versus wrong emerge, raising concerns about potential harms. However, renowned AI experts argue that open debate and collaboration between diverse perspectives can uncover solutions hidden in differences.</p> ...
The New Beachcomber's Guide to the Pacific Northwest【電子書籍】[ J. Duane Sept ]
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<p>The Pacific Northwest coast is home to one of the most diverse displays of intertidal marine life in the world. Featuring sponges, clams, snails, crabs, sea stars, sea anemones, jellies, fishes, seaweeds and more, <em>The New Beachcomber’s Guide to the Pacific Northwest</em> is a porand easy-to-use reference for searching out and identifying any of the hundreds of species of seashore lif...
Cuidando de quem cuida - vol. 2【電子書籍】[ Ana Claudia Quintana Arantes ]
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<p>Cuidar de quem cuida ainda n?o ? pr?tica comum em nosso sistema de sa?de. Na maioria das vezes, todos os olhares est?o focados no paciente e pouco se sabe sobre as dificuldades e ang?stias por que passa o respons?vel por aquele doente. Em outras ocasi?es, o pr?prio especialista ignora suas necessidades, seja por n?o identific?-las, seja por n?o querer enfrent?-las.</p> <p>? isso que faz d...