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最高級 サウンドポスト Ultimate quality Spruce Sound Post チェロ用 全長 170mm 485777 径 10.5mm 485778 径 11.0mm 485779 径 11.5mm * 高品質なアルプス山脈産 スプルース * 長期自然乾燥材 * すべて手作業による処理 * 厳選された理想的な杢目のみ使用 * Pahler社製/限定販売品 *Pahler社-Alpentonholz Pahler Pahler tonewoods have earned a deserved attention recently. The ultimate quality of the wood is appre...
Fundamentals of Musical Acoustics by Arthur H. Benade This textbook provides an important introduction to the central ideas in acoustics for both players and makers alike. Chapters include Simple Relations of Sounds and Motions, I ntroduction to Vibration Recipes: The Plucked String, Room Acoustics, The Loudness of Single and Combined Sounds, The Oscillations of a Bowed String and Instruments of t...