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■【輸入盤DVD】【新品】Frontline: Second Chance Kids
こちらのDVDは輸入盤DVDです。リージョン=フリーのDVDプレイヤーでない場合、再生できない可能性があります。リージョン=フリーのDVDプレイヤーはこちらでご案内しております。種別:DIGITAL VIDEO DISCジャンル:Special Interest-Documentary発売日:2017/7/18収録分数:60ディスク枚数:1コメント:Frontline: Second Chance Kids What happens when prisoners convicted of first degree murder as teenagers are given the chance to re-enter society? FRONTLINE takes a look at the fight over the fate of some 2,000 individuals following a landmark 2012 Supreme Court ruling that found sentences of mandatory life without parole for juveniles unconstitutional. Drawing on the experiences of prosecutors, defenders, the families of the murder victims, and several offenders themselves, Second Chance Kids examines the impact of the order to re-evaluate thousands of juvenile murder cases.