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A4の長さにカットしたシートタイプの製本ラベル。●製本用品●製本テープ●紙クロステープ●色:(契約書割印用)白●材質:基材=紙クロス、粘着剤=アクリル系、はく離紙=ノンポリラミ紙●サイズ:幅35×297mm●エコマーク商品The paper cross binding label of the seat type that it is easy to use. It is convenient for reinforcement, the repair of the simple binding, book and notebooks such as specifications or the document. ●A color: It is white ● number containing (for the joint seal setting scene mark): 10 sheet JAN: 4987167045609 ◆Body weight (kg): 0.024 ◆ 個装幅 (mm): 42 ◆ 個装奥行 (mm): It is 324 ◆ 個装高 (mm): 5 ◆ 個装重量 (kg): 0.022How to order in shopping cart