■[ゆうパケット可/63個まで]プラス ホッチキス針 NO.10 1000本入 4977564000417

[ゆうパケット可/63個まで]プラス ホッチキス針 NO.10 1000本入 4977564000417
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●ホッチキス針●とじ枚数:〜20枚●針サイズ:W8.5×H4.7mm●入数:1000本(50本連結×20)It is a sturdy needle for stapler staple the paper firmly. Most popular No. 10 needle. 1000 (stitch 50 x 20)-dimensions: width 8. 5 x 4 is high. 7 x 0. 5 mm-material: galvanized wire Jan:4977564000417 ? Body weight (kg):0.022 ◆ more interior width (mm): 29 ◆ pieces exterior depth (mm): 54 ? pieces exterior height (mm): 12 ◆ pieces weight (kg):0.02How to order in shopping cart

[ゆうパケット可/63個まで]プラス ホッチキス針 NO.10 1000本入 4977564000417
