【みんなのポイント資産】43億6964万4044円相当 (本日の増減 -15万7463円) [20:59現在]
■ハイテク ボーチップ バス用90度
新開発商品 Tip Armor Bass bow tip ハイテク ボーチップ Head Degree 90 最新のテクノロジーにより、新たに開発された、 既存の天然素材を 凌ぐ、加工性、柔軟性、 耐久性にすぐれた新しいボーチップ。 Tip Armorhは商品名で、アメリカの最先端のテクノロジーが生み出した究極のボ-チップと大好評のボ-チップ。複合加工のポリマー製のこのチップは加工が容易でありながら、材質的には爪と同程度の強度、耐性を持ち修理後の激しい使用にも対応できます。柔軟で加工しやすく、かつ強靭で再加工が可能です。水平面の強靭化によりプラスチックの変形し易い欠点を補い、アイボリーやマンモスのようなクラックの心配もありません。 4000gritのMicromesh等で 綺麗に最終仕上げが出来ます。 .875+" width X 1.90+" length X .300++" head height. Floor is 1.3 mm + thick. Head is precision milled at 90 degrees. Made of AMW-814, a polymer composite. This recently developed polymer has been formulated for strength and flexibility and engineered in a way to allow artisans to work the material with ease utilizing standard carving and bow making tools. This material bends with finger strength and holds its bow tip curve for application without the typical process of soaking and press-forming. Simply bend the floor to the needed curvature and glue into place. Then shape, sand and carve as you would mammoth ivory or other materials. Several glues work well including hide glue and superglue (CA glue) which works very well. This is the latest development in violin bow tip technology. These have been developed to solve the need for a highly durable bow tip that can enter international trade because they are made of a polymer rather than a natural material and yet they are sold at a reasonable price. Mid-size international orders ship free - see shipping page for details. These also provide the bow making and repairing community with an extremely durable bow tip that is a time saver for application artisans. Bow makers are finding this material easier to work than the natural materials such as bone and fossil ivory and far easier to work than the plastic and casein based bow tips.In addition to ease and speed of application is the strength and durability factor. This material is simply as tough as nails and can take a lot of punishment.