■Jetprime ジェットプライム VELOCITY STACKS RS 660 TUONO 660 APRILIA アプリリア

Jetprime ジェットプライム VELOCITY STACKS RS 660 TUONO 660 APRILIA アプリリア
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■詳細説明These velocity stacks we have developed are necessary to improvethe air intake during the phases of opening the throttlecontrol.Due to the particular shape,this allows a reduction in airturbulence during the suction phase,improves the air intake frominside the air box,facilitates the intake and reduces the responsetime of the engine especially when you have a violent opening ofthe throttle.The shape and length of the velocity stack has been studied by ourdesign department to reconcile the engine at different enginespeeds,to increase the suction strength and to improve the coverageat low engine speeds.The velocity stack is mounted inside the air box.The velocity stacks have been designed within our company andproduced from aircraft quality 7075 T6 aluminium using some of themost modern CNC machinery available.■注意点※取り扱い説明書が付属する場合は、英語となります。※輸入商材の為、納期が遅れる場合がございます。あらかじめご了承ください。※メーカー都合により商品の仕様変更がある場合がございます。ご了承ください。 ※画像はイメージです。■適合車種RS 660 RS 660 年式: 20-23TUONO 660 TUONO 660 年式: 20-23

Jetprime ジェットプライム VELOCITY STACKS RS 660 TUONO 660 APRILIA アプリリア
