【みんなのポイント資産】43億6058万8836円相当 (本日の増減 -17万6741円) [11:40現在]
■詳細説明TERMIGNONI T800 UPMAP ECU CONTROLUpMap allows you to access a universe of mappings developed andtested by our experts.Thanks to the connection between the UpMap application and the T800PLUS device, you can configure yours easily and in completeautonomy.With the new model of UpMap T800 + both the memory space and thetransfer speed have been doubled, in this way the new control unitis able to reprogram the new motorcycle models that require agreater amount of memory, further reducing the times transfer andreprogramming.UpMap is the first system that allows you to communicate with thecontrol unit of your bike, thanks to the UpMap app (available forIOS and Android) and to the T800 device.From the UpMap store you can download one of the mappings testedand developed by Termignoni and have free access to the controlunit, to be able to reconfigure it in a simple and intuitiveway.UpMap is not just mapping, it is a system dedicated to themotorcyclist.The dashboard, an on-board computer, indicates the state of healthof the vehicle, any defects found while driving and monitorsconsumption.The Camera function gives you the possibility to create impressivevideos, enriched by infographics of the data recorded during yourperformance.By connecting the UpMap App to the T800 device, it is possible toconfigure the bike very quickly, safely and in total autonomy.■注意点※Specific cable included in the price.※取り扱い説明書が付属する場合は、英語となります。※輸入商材の為、納期が遅れる場合がございます。あらかじめご了承ください。※メーカー都合により商品の仕様変更がある場合がございます。ご了承ください。 ※画像はイメージです。■適合車種HYPERMOTARD 1100 EVO HYPERMOTARD 1100 EVO 年式: 10-12