■本・雑誌・コミック 【価格の安い順】(件)


Ancient Households on the North Coast of Peru【電子書籍】
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<p><em>Ancient Households on the North Coast of Peru</em> provides insight into the organization of complex, urban, and state-level society in the region from a household perspective, using observations from diverse North Coast households to generate new understandings of broader social processes in and beyond Andean prehistory.</p> <p>Many volumes on this region are limited to one time ...
雪球?刊344期ーー微??格基金怎??【電子書籍】[ 雪球用? ]
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From Ancient Rome to Colonial Mexico Religious Globalization in the Context of Empire【電子書籍】
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<p><em>From Ancient Rome to Colonial Mexico</em> compares the Christianization of the Roman Empire with the evangelization of Mesoamerica, offering novel perspectives on the historical processes involved in the spread of Christianity. Combining concepts of empire and globalization with the notion of religion from a postcolonial perspective, the book proposes the method of analytical comparis...
雪球?刊334期ーー2023股?大会?研???(下)【電子書籍】[ 雪球用? ]
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<p>【内容?介】各大上市公司的年度股?大会在?年的4月到6月底??召?,公司??状况、分?方案、?展??等??逐一?布。自??度的股?大会是股民一年一度的盛宴,??哥?合@雪球?研? ?起#2023股?大会?研??#征集活?,今年是雪球??股?大会活?的第5年。2023年出行自由,更多雪球用?参与到了?下活?,??参与股?大会。雪球??#2023股?大会?研??#征集活?,今年的股?大会盛况空前,共?有196位球友?帖参与活?,参与球友走?了176家上市公司!??哥收集到342篇股?大会??文章,其中?文帖225篇。我?从参加??股?大会的?...
雪球?刊326期ーー基金?理?研??(上)【電子書籍】[ 雪球用? ]
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【中古】刀語 第六話 双刀・鎚(ソウトウ・カナヅチ) (講談社BOX)【午前9時までのご注文で即日弊社より発送!日曜は店休日】
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【2009年12月18日第4刷発行 ☆除籍本☆  ※裸本※】状態は「可」の商品です。商品に(三方・見返りに蔵書印の消し跡、シール・図書貸出袋の貼り付け、表紙にスレ、等)がありますが本文は綺麗です。★ご注文後、商品クリーニングを行い、クリスタルパック・封筒で梱包し、ゆうメール便にて発送致します◆コンディションガイドラインに準じて出品を行っておりますが、万一商品情報と異なる場合は、迅速に対応致します◆併売商品の為、売り切れの際は...
Political Strategies in Pre-Columbian Mesoamerica【電子書籍】
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<p>Political authority contains an inherent contradiction. Rulers must reinforce social inequality and bolster their own unique position at the top of the sociopolitical hierarchy, yet simultaneously emphasize social similarities and the commonalities shared by all. <em>Political Strategies in Pre-Columbian Mesoamerica</em> explores the different and complex ways that those who exercised aut...
雪球?刊320期ーー2022十大基金好文【電子書籍】[ 雪球用? ]
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<p>内容?介雪球是一个投?交流社区,在?个社区?常有精彩的好文出?。2022年的行情跌宕起伏,震??烈,基金市?的表???着?一位投?者的心。?一年,球友??基金的?注更高了,?秀的基金?作者不断涌?。他?的文章背后是一个个?深投??人的深邃思考,??着他?的无?智慧。本期雪球?刊推出《2022雪球十大基金好文》,肯定能?大家理解基金、投?基金有所?助。目??于《雪球?刊》内容概要章?介?1. 普通人如何通?基金投?????自由?2. 点拾投?&零城投?:偏股型基金的8大?格分?3. ...
Interregional Interaction in Ancient Mesoamerica【電子書籍】
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<p><em>Interregional Interaction in Ancient Mesoamerica</em> explores the role of interregional interaction in the dynamic sociocultural processes that shaped the pre-Columbian societies of Mesoamerica. Interdisciplinary contributions from leading scholars investigate linguistic exchange and borrowing, scribal practices, settlement patterns, ceramics, iconography, and trade systems, presenti...
Maya Gods of War【電子書籍】[ Karen Bassie-Sweet ]
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<p>Numerous archaeological projects have found substantial evidence of the military nature of Maya society, and warfare is a frequent theme of Maya art. <em>Maya Gods of War</em> investigates the Classic period Maya gods who were associated with weapons of war and the flint and obsidian from which those weapons were made.</p> <p>Author Karen Bassie-Sweet traces the semantic markers used ...
Thanks for Watching An Anthropological Study of Video Sharing on YouTube【電子書籍】[ Patricia G. Lange ]
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<p>YouTube hosts one billion visitors monthly and sees more than 400 hours of video uploaded every minute. In her award winning book, <em>Thanks for Watching</em>, Patricia G. Lange offers an anthropological perspective on this heavily mediated social environment by analyzing videos and the emotions that motivate sharing them. She demonstrates how core concepts from anthropologyーparticipant-...
Archaeological Perspectives on Warfare on the Great Plains【電子書籍】
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<p>The Great Plains has been central to academic and popular visions of Native American warfare, largely because the region’s well-documented violence was so central to the expansion of Euroamerican settlement. However, social violence has deep roots on the Plains beyond this post-Contact perception, and these roots have not been systematically examined through archaeology before. War was part,...
雪球?刊338期ーー??基金?理看后市【電子書籍】[ 雪球用? ]
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Go East, Young Man Imagining the American West as the Orient【電子書籍】[ Richard Francaviglia ]
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<p>Transference of orientalist images and identities to the American landscape and its inhabitants, especially in the Westーin other words, portrayal of the West as the “Orient”ーhas been a common aspect of American cultural history. Place names, such as the Jordan River or Pyramid Lake, offer noexamples, but the imagery and its varied meanings are more widespread and significant. Understanding ...
An Angel in the Shadows【電子書籍】[ Allan E Petersen ]
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<p>A year after spending six months in the Amazon Jungle while returning Belle to the Sky People, Professor Maria Espinoza now teaches DNA Profiling at a university in Brazil. Compared to past adventures, seeing and experiencing what few people on this planet can even imagine, she finds her class boring and unfulfilling. She wonders where her life is going now that she has lost the man she loves...
雪球?刊332期ーー基金?理?研??3【電子書籍】[ 雪球用? ]
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Research, Education and American Indian Partnerships at the Crow Canyon Archaeological Center【電子書籍】
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<p>This volume celebrates and examines the Crow Canyon Archaeological Center’s past, present, and future by providing a backdrop for the not-for-profit’s beginnings and highlighting key accomplishments in research, education, and American Indian initiatives over the past four decades. Specific themes include Crow Canyon’s contributions to projects focused on community and regional settlement ...
雪球?刊325期ーー大??格基金怎??【電子書籍】[ 雪球用? ]
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<p>内容?介大??格基金是指?大?股股票的投?比例高于其他股票?型的公募基金。如果投?者看好大?股行情,通?投?大??格基金可以?得相?的回?。公募基金行?,很多基金?理属于大??格,他?常常把?深300指数作???比?基准,从?多大?股中挑??得布局的股票,以期?得超越比?基准的回?。本期雪球?刊?取8篇好文,??挑??秀的大??格基金。目??于《雪球?刊》内容概要章?介?1. 10只?秀大??格基金深度??2. 10只大??格基金??:在“大?”?基金?理中抉?3. 十只大??格基金??,?位老司机?...
雪球?刊323期ーー?合新手投?的混合基金怎??【電子書籍】[ 雪球用? ]
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<p>内容?介?于一个基金新手来?,????只基金是首先面?的困惑。股票型基金收益高但是波?和回撤也比?大,固收基金波?小?攻性略?不足。??,?可攻退可守的混合型基金就具?了??。混合型基金在?位策略上?予基金?理更多的??,基金?理能?根据市???水平???整股?比例,以?到降低波?、??可控的效果,使其波?低于股票型基金,收益高于?券和??市?基金。本期雪球?刊?取8篇好文,??挑??合新手投?的第一只混合基金。目??于《雪球?刊》内容概要章?介?1. “基金新手入?首?”:混合基金...
雪球?刊321期ーー2022基金投???【電子書籍】[ 雪球用? ]
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雪球?刊327期ーー基金?理?研??(下)【電子書籍】[ 雪球用? ]
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雪球?刊336期ーー商品型基金怎??【電子書籍】[ 雪球用? ]
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雪球?刊322期ーー2022基金四季?解?【電子書籍】[ 雪球用? ]
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Rituals of the Past Prehispanic and Colonial Case Studies in Andean Archaeology【電子書籍】
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<p><em>Rituals of the Past</em> explores the various approaches archaeologists use to identify ritual in the material record and discusses the influence ritual had on the formation, reproduction, and transformation of community life in past Andean societies. A diverse group of established and rising scholars from across the globe investigates how ritual influenced, permeated, and altered pol...
雪球?刊335期ーー全球市?主?基金怎??【電子書籍】[ 雪球用? ]
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<p>【内容?介】合格境内机?投?者(QDII)基金上半年??表?突出,先有?斯?克指数持?走?,后有日?指数?下33年来新高。此外,徳国、法国股市主要指数?出?史新高,?国、越南股指?入技?性牛市,近日印度股市?市?超?英、法,排名全球第四。多国股市表???的同?,QDII基金的??效?也?一?凸?。投?QDII,大家可以??指数基金?品,也可以??由基金?理主?管理的?秀基金。本期雪球?刊精?8篇分析QDII基金的好文章,????主?型QDII好基金。【目?】?于《雪球?刊》内容概要章?介?1. 不...
Making the White Man's West Whiteness and the Creation of the American West【電子書籍】[ Jason E. Pierce ]
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<p>The West, especially the Intermountain states, ranks among the whitest places in America, but this fact obscures the more complicated history of racial diversity in the region. In <em>Making the White Man’s West</em>, author Jason E. Pierce argues that since the time of the Louisiana Purchase, the American West has been a racially contested space. Using a nuanced theory of historical “w...
Political Landscapes of Capital Cities【電子書籍】
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<p><em>Political Landscapes of Capital Cities</em> investigates the processes of transformation of the natural landscape into the culturally constructed and ideologically defined political environments of capital cities. In this spatially inclusive, socially dynamic interpretation, an interdisciplinary group of authors including archaeologists, anthropologists, and art historians uses the me...
【売り尽くし】月光条例 ゲッコージョーレイ 25【コミック・本 中古 Comic】レンタル落ち
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 JAN 9784091244956 品 番 4091244955 出 演 藤田 和日郎 製作国 日本 メーカー等 小学館 少年サンデーコミックス ジャンル コミック・本/少年(中高生・一般) カテゴリー コミック 入荷日 【2022-07-29】【あらすじ】月の門を通り、異世界から、オオイミ王率いる「月の客」が襲来。彼らの目的は、千年前に罪人として地上に落とした「カグヤ」こと、エンゲキブを連れ...
【売り尽くし】G ジー 5【コミック・本 中古 Comic】レンタル落ち
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 JAN 9784091241894 品 番 4091241891 出 演 山田 一喜(著) 製作国 日本 メーカー等 小学館 少年サンデーコミックス ジャンル コミック・本/少年(中高生・一般) カテゴリー コミック 入荷日 【2022-09-22】【あらすじ】最終試験も大詰め! 真央とヒロミ、因縁の対決! 仲間のために、そして自分のために走りきった真央がその先に見たものは?サイズ コミック判ページ数 125p...
【中古】母の曲 《聖教新聞社》【午前9時までのご注文で即日弊社より発送!日曜は店休日】
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【1998年10月12日第6刷発行 ☆帯付き☆】状態はコンディションガイドライン「可」の商品です。商品に(カバーにスレ・背に日焼け、天と地にしみ、等)があります。★ご注文後、商品クリーニングを行い、クリスタルパック・封筒で梱包し、ゆうメール便にて発送致します◆コンディションガイドラインに準じて出品を行っておりますが、万一商品情報と異なる場合は、迅速に対応致します◆併売商品の為、売り切れの際は早急に注文キャンセルにて対応...