■本・雑誌・コミック 【価格の安い順】(件)


雪球?刊333期ーー公募量化基金深度??【電子書籍】[ 雪球用? ]
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<p><em>The Touch of Civilization</em> is a comparative history of the United States and Russia during their efforts to colonize and assimilate two indigenous groups of people within their national borders: the Sioux of the Great Plains and the Kazakhs of the Eurasian Steppe. In the revealing juxtaposition of these two cases author Steven Sabol elucidates previously unexplored connections bet...
Dead Clothes【電子書籍】[ Nancy C. Wilson ]
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<p>Really, is there anything wrong with taking clothes off someone who is never going to wear them? When you're broke and living in the depression, you take chances and take what you can with no one getting hurt. Mame Fernbrower is a good woman, but the depression has her at the final straw. Yes, she can sew and take care of her family's needs, mending shirts, turning cuffs, making clothes last ...
And the Humans Wrote【電子書籍】[ Allan E Petersen ]
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<p>This novel interprets Biblical history through the lens of an alien species and their complex relationship with the human race.<br /> These aliens have been involved in human history since Adam and Eve, and throughout Biblical history, humanity has responded to these aliens in many ways -- the most significant textual responses being scattered throughout Biblical texts.</p> <p>And the H...
Pioneering Conservation in Alaska【電子書籍】[ Ken Ross ]
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<p>A companion volume to <em>Environmental Conflict in Alaska</em>, <em>Pioneering Conservation in Alaska</em> chronicles the central land and wildlife issues and the growth of environmental conservation in Alaska during its Russian and territorial eras.</p> <p>The Alaskan frontier tempted fur traders, whalers, salmon fishers, gold miners, hunters, and oilmen to take what they could ...
Mixtec Evangelicals Globalization, Migration, and Religious Change in a Oaxacan Indigenous Group【電子書籍】[ Mary I. O'Connor ]
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<p><em>Mixtec Evangelicals</em> is a comparative ethnography of four Mixtec communities in Oaxaca, detailing the process by which economic migration and religious conversion combine to change the social and cultural makeup of predominantly folk-Catholic communities. The book describes the effects on the home communities of the Mixtecs who travel to northern Mexico and the United States in se...
雪球?刊339期ーー深度价?基金怎??【電子書籍】[ 雪球用? ]
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<p>【内容?介】“深度价?”是一个通常的表述,大家把非常注重估?保?的基金?理??深度价?基金?理。他?更多看的是公司已有的??,?估?容忍度很低,持?的?体估?水平偏低,不去追逐市?上的?点板?。那?,市?上有?些基金?理属于“深度价?”?型?如何把握“深度价?”的投?机会。本期雪球?刊精?8篇分析“深度价?”型基金的好文章,??分析“深度价?”的投?魅力。【目?】?于《雪球?刊》内容概要章?介?1. 股市的敲??,从深度价?投??起2. 深度价?基金,?我?仔?看看?3. ?点深度价?基金?理的「...
Go East, Young Man Imagining the American West as the Orient【電子書籍】[ Richard Francaviglia ]
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<p>Transference of orientalist images and identities to the American landscape and its inhabitants, especially in the Westーin other words, portrayal of the West as the “Orient”ーhas been a common aspect of American cultural history. Place names, such as the Jordan River or Pyramid Lake, offer noexamples, but the imagery and its varied meanings are more widespread and significant. Understanding ...
雪球?刊342期ーー??看?微?策略【電子書籍】[ 雪球用? ]
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<p>【内容?介】今年以来,?益市?持?震?,大?股整体表???疲?,但中小?股尤其是微?股表?????。Wind微?股指数??新高,年内?幅大幅??上?50、?深300、??板指等?基指数表?。受益于包括微?股在内的小市??格持?走?,很多重?股市?不高、持??度分散的基金年内表?明?占?。今年微?策略指数?何表????微?股的投?价?是什??有?些微??格基金?得投??本期雪球?刊精?8篇分析微?策略指数和微??格基金的好文章,??看?“微?策略”的投?价?。【目?】?于《雪球?刊》内容概要章?介?1. 微?指数???...
Wives, Mothers, and the Red Menace Conservative Women and the Crusade against Communism【電子書籍】[ Mary Brennan ]
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<p>In <em>Wives, Mothers, and the Red Menace,</em> Mary Brennan examines conservative women's anti-communist activism in the years immediately after World War II.</p> <p>Brennan details the actions and experiences of prominent anti-communists Jean Kerr McCarthy, Margaret Chase Smith, Freda Utley, Doloris Thauwald Bridges, Elizabeth Churchill Brown, and Phyllis Stewart Schlafly. She descr...
雪球?刊330期ーー2023股?大会?研???(上)【電子書籍】[ 雪球用? ]
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<p>内容?介各家上市公司的2022年度股?大会??召?,公司??状况、分?方案、?展??等?息也逐一?布,?又是一次?研上市公司的?佳机会!与前几年相比,今年的出行更加自由了。面向广大球友,??哥?合@雪球?研? ?起 【2023股?大会?研??】征集活?。鼓励去??和?上参加股?大会的球友写下参会??,?没能去??的球友??来一手信息!我?从参加??股?大会的??帖中精?了其中10篇?秀文章??成“2023股?大会?研???(上)”,希望?大家参加股?大会、了解上市公司??状况有所?助。目??于《雪球?刊》内容概要...
Working on the Railroad, Walking in Beauty Navajos, Hozho, and Track Work【電子書籍】[ Jay Youngdahl ]
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<p>For over one hundred years, Navajos have gone to work in significant numbers on Southwestern railroads. As they took on the arduous work of laying and anchoring tracks, they turned to traditional religion to anchor their lives.</p> <p>Jay Youngdahl, an attorney who has represented Navajo workers in claims with their railroad employers since 1992 and who more recently earned a master's in ...
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<p><em>"The Only True People"</em> is a timely and rigorous examination of ethnicity among the ancient and modern Maya, focusing on ethnogenesis and exploring the complexities of Maya identityーhow it developed, where and when it emerged, and why it continues to change over time. In the volume, a multidisciplinary group of well-known scholars including archaeologists, linguists, ethnographers...
Legacies of Space and Intangible Heritage Archaeology, Ethnohistory, and the Politics of Cultural Continuity in the Americas【電子書籍】
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<p><em>Legacies of Space and Intangible Heritage</em> is an interdisciplinary exploration of the intersections between the study and management of physical sites and the reproduction of intangible cultural legacies. The volume provides nine case studies that explore different ways in which place is mediated by social, political, and ecological processes that have deep historical roots and th...
雪球?刊337期ーー?券指数基金怎??【電子書籍】[ 雪球用? ]
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<p>【内容?介】?券基金??多?,其中?券指数基金收益主要由基金中各?券的利息收入、?本利得和杠杆收入三方面?成,?有“?券基金”与“指数基金”的双重身?,通???部分或全部的成?券?建投??合,以追踪?的指数表?的?券型基金,相比于其他主?管理的?券基金,通常投?分散度更高,大大降低个券“?雷”??。本期雪球?刊精?8篇分析?券指数基金的好文章,??分析?券指数基金的投?价?。【目?】?于《雪球?刊》内容概要章?介?1. ??持有?券指数基金也挺好2. 投??券指数基...
New Mexico and the Pimer?a Alta The Colonial Period in the American Southwest【電子書籍】
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<p>Focusing on the two major areas of the Southwest that witnessed the most intensive and sustained colonial encounters, <em>New Mexico and the Pimer?a Alta</em> compares how different forms of colonialism and indigenous political economies resulted in diverse outcomes for colonists and Native peoples. Taking a holistic approach and studying both colonist and indigenous perspectives through ...
【売り尽くし】G ジー 5【コミック・本 中古 Comic】レンタル落ち
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 JAN 9784091241894 品 番 4091241891 出 演 山田 一喜(著) 製作国 日本 メーカー等 小学館 少年サンデーコミックス ジャンル コミック・本/少年(中高生・一般) カテゴリー コミック 入荷日 【2022-09-22】【あらすじ】最終試験も大詰め! 真央とヒロミ、因縁の対決! 仲間のために、そして自分のために走りきった真央がその先に見たものは?サイズ コミック判ページ数 125p...
The Lords of Lambityeco Political Evolution in the Valley of Oaxaca during the Xoo Phase【電子書籍】[ Michael Lind ]
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<p>The Valley of Oaxaca was unified under the rule of Monte Alb?n until its collapse around AD 800. Using findings from John Paddock’s long-term excavations at Lambityeco from 1961 to 1976, Michael Lind and Javier Urcid examine the political and social organization of the ancient community during the Xoo Phase (Late Classic period).Focusing on change within this single archaeological period rat...
Coal in our Veins A Personal Journey【電子書籍】[ Erin Ann Thomas ]
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<p>In <em>Coal in Our Veins</em>, Erin Thomas employs historical research, autobiography, and journalism to intertwine the history of coal, her ancestors' lives mining coal, and the societal and environmental impacts of the United States' dependency on coal as an energy source. In the first part of her book, she visits Wales, native ground of British coal mining and of her emigrant ancestors...
雪球?刊329期ーー2023雪球投??金季【電子書籍】[ 雪球用? ]
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<p>内容?介#2023投??金季#年?季征文活?完美收官。自上?以来,共收到上千篇??投稿。#投??金季#自2021年推出以来,?多球友??参与、?情??,在数据洞察中?出干?,在?点?撞中??价?。2022年,投??金季 ?放企?雪球号广?,引入多家上市公司通?企?雪球号??最新??信息;2023年,在上?路演中心指?下,首次推出#2023投??金季?市??#,和球友?一起,一??????明会,并将球友?普遍?注的??集中向上市公司互?提?。本期雪球?刊?取12篇公司??分析好文,希望??分析公司,??投?机会有所?助!目??于《雪球?...
Historicizing Fear Ignorance, Vilification, and Othering【電子書籍】
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<p><em>Historicizing Fear</em> is a historical interrogation of the use of fear as a tool to vilify and persecute groups and individuals from a global perspective, offering an unflinching look at racism, fearful framing, oppression, and marginalization across human history.The book examines fear and Othering from a historical context, providing a better understanding of how power and oppress...
雪球?刊325期ーー大??格基金怎??【電子書籍】[ 雪球用? ]
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<p>内容?介大??格基金是指?大?股股票的投?比例高于其他股票?型的公募基金。如果投?者看好大?股行情,通?投?大??格基金可以?得相?的回?。公募基金行?,很多基金?理属于大??格,他?常常把?深300指数作???比?基准,从?多大?股中挑??得布局的股票,以期?得超越比?基准的回?。本期雪球?刊?取8篇好文,??挑??秀的大??格基金。目??于《雪球?刊》内容概要章?介?1. 10只?秀大??格基金深度??2. 10只大??格基金??:在“大?”?基金?理中抉?3. 十只大??格基金??,?位老司机?...
雪球?刊341期ーー医?主?基金怎??【電子書籍】[ 雪球用? ]
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Embracing Watershed Politics【電子書籍】[ Edella Schlager ]
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<p>As Americans try to better manage and protect the natural resources of our watersheds, is politics getting in the way? Why does watershed management end up being so political? In <em>Embracing Watershed Politics</em>, political scientists Edella Schlager and William Blomquist provide timely illustrations and thought-provoking explanations of why political considerations are essential, una...
雪球?刊340期ーー基金?理?研??4【電子書籍】[ 雪球用? ]
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雪球?刊328期ーー解?2023公募基金一季?【電子書籍】[ 雪球用? ]
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雪球?刊331期ーー新?基金?理怎??【電子書籍】[ 雪球用? ]
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<p>内容?介近些年来不少新?基金?理抓住机遇,踏准?奏、精准出手,?造了不俗的收益,??行??深老将。与此同?,市??新?基金?理的?注度也随之提升,掀起?掘新?的?潮。老司基??征文活?,??哥??了8位新?基金?理和他?管理的基金,邀?球友?做深度??。本期雪球?刊?取8篇好文,??分析新?基金?理的投?价?!目??于《雪球?刊》内容概要章?介?1. 不同?格的新??理,?有一款?合?2. 5位主??益型新?基金?理??3. 如果杜?打王者?耀4. 股?双?的新?基金?理ーー胡中原5. 医?健康行?ーー...
Confronting the
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<p>Years before Hitler unleashed the “Final Solution” to annihilate European Jews, he began a lesser-known campaign to eradicate the mentally ill, which facilitated the gassing and lethal injection of as many as 270,000 people and set a precedent for the mass murder of civilians. In <em>Confronting the “Good Death”</em> Michael Bryant analyzes the U.S. government and West German judiciar...
Animals and Inequality in the Ancient World【電子書籍】
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<p><em>Animals and Inequality in the Ancient World</em> explores the current trends in the social archaeology of human-animal relationships, focusing on the ways in which animals are used to structure, create, support, and even deconstruct social inequalities.</p> <p>The authors provide a global range of case studies from both New and Old World archaeologyーa royal Aztec dog burial, the m...
Anthropology without Informants Collected Works in Paleoanthropology by L.G. Freeman【電子書籍】[ L. G. Freeman ]
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<p>L.G. Freeman is a major scholar of Old World Paleolithic prehistory and a self-described “behavioral paleoanthropologist.” <em>Anthropology without Informant</em>s is a collection of previously published papers by this preeminent archaeologist, representing a cross section of his contributions to Old Work Paleolithic prehistory and archaeological theory.</p> <p>A socio-cultural anth...