【みんなのポイント資産】43億7222万2217円相当 (本日の増減 -1万4873円) [15:40現在]
■オイル・添加剤 【価格の高い順】(件)
■詳細説明The oil pan for Ducati Panigale V2 was designed to eliminate an oilpressure problem during the most violent decelerations,and at thesame time we have managed to give more power to the mighty V2.The higher volume helps the engine to have less internal pressureand keep the oil far from rotating parts.It was studied for the Barni Team in the 2018 season:since thefirst tests we noticed a gre...
■詳細説明L’obbiettivo di Jetprime e quella di offrire prodotti esclusivi edall’altissimo contenuto tecnologico.Abbinato allo scarico racing JetPrime/Akrapovic arriva ad offrireoltre 6 cavalli di potenza.La collaborazione tecnica con il Team Althea BMW Racing (nelMondiale SBK con Jordi Torres e Markus Reiterberger e nella FIM CUPSuperstock 1000 con Raffaele De Rosa) ha spinto Jetprime a proporreun ...