【みんなのポイント資産】43億6755万0975円相当 (本日の増減 -1万3234円) [07:40現在]
■COMPUTERS & SCIENCE 【価格の安い順】(件)
<p>The author has dealt with the effects of depression and anxiety for many years, but has learned how to overcome, living a virtually depression and anxiety free life today. Through this short, easy to read book, which has sold more than 19,000 copies in 26 countries, you too can learn to overcome the trials and pain of depression and anxiety. Apply the principles learned by the author and begi...
<p>IIS (Internet Information Services 8.5) is the Web Server program from Microsoft. It is very powerful and it is free!<br /> You can learn in this book how to create Web sites, how to configure them.<br /> It'll be joyful to learn the details.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい...
<p>With advances in digital photography, average individuals have been empowered in an unprecedented manner to document the wonder of the world around them. In “Doodads, Whatnots & Assorted Curiosities”, social critic Frederick Meekins shares a number of interesting objects that he has spotted along the way.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお...
<p>???-??? ?? ?????? ?????? ?? ?? ???? ???? ???? ???? ??? ???-??? ????? ?? ?????? ?? ?????? ?? ?? ???? ???? ???? ???-??? ????? ??? ?????? ??? ????? ???? ??? ???? ??? ???? ?????? ?? ??? ????????, ????, ???? ????, ???????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ?? ?????? ??? ???? ???<br /> ?? ?????? ?????? ????? ? ???? ????? ????? ?? ????? ????? ??????? ?? ?????? ????????? ?? ?? ???? ??? ???? ???? ???-??? ?? ??...
<p>This book will help you understand peace and how to create a peaceful day for yourself. Peace Pattern will teach you to how to balance your inside and outside environment in a peaceful way. you learn how to be at peace with yourself and others and last but not least the creator of creation. Smile, because you are someand have a peaceful day, every day</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待...
<p>Pessoas com ansiedade social t?m medo de serem observadas e julgadas por outros. ? um tipo de transtorno de ansiedade no qual os indiv?duos se sentem conscientes e desconfort?veis em p?blico ou quando est?o ao redor de pessoas desconhecidas.Em tais situa??es, eles tendem a evitar contato visual, ficar vermelhos facilmente e falar pouco ou nada. Pessoas com esse transtorno muitas vezes temem q...
<p>Sometimes we cannot avoid court cases. In India sometimes they can run for many months or years. We may have to attend the hearings in different cities. Combined with this are problems with handling a lawyer, cross examinations, unexpected surprises from the opposite party and other issues.<br /> Court cases can thus take a huge toll not only on our finances but also our physical and mental...
<p>Me siento perpleja, por el hecho de narrar esta historia, que si bien es cierto, es sobre mi vida. No miento al mostrarle al mundo lo crudo que fue cada acontecimiento. A veces me admiro en cada haza?a; cada reto y cada situaci?n de c?mo lo enfrente. Creo entender porque las mujeres somos m?s decididas y guerreras; nos gusta luchar, sin tener miedo a los obst?culos m?s escalofriantes. Nos vem...
<p>DEC was the creation of its co-founder and president Ken Olsen, who for four decades shaped the cadre of managers and the corporate culture that motivated and enabled one generation after another of creativity and innovation as his company grew from a small team in 1957 to a global corporation with over 140,000 employees when it was bought by Compaq, which was then bought by Hewlett-Packard. ...
<p>To live under the threat, the citizens inherit a citywide tunnel vision. Alcohol consumption can enhance tunnel vision. Narcotics are a key source of the psychology. Not all people are narrow minded, but their mind evolves to accept the life in Las Vegas. The dangers are considered normal. The dangers are oddly treated like the way business is done in cities around the world. The tangible wor...
<p>Thomas Chi writes about traveling the planet with an interest in petroleum spice as the materials apply to literature such as Dune, the novel about Paul Atreides. Thomas Chi has traveled to interview petroleum executives worldwide from Kuwait, Turkey, Egypt, China, Israel, Greece, Germany and in the United States, especially the coast of California where oil is drilled from San Diego to San F...
<p>The most talented Creative Directors in Silicon Valley and I met in a conference room to create the first advertisements for Adobe Illustrators version for Windows known as Illustrator 7.0. The slogan we picked after a night of North Beach pizza with Molson’s beer was “I Do Windows.” The Creative Directors began to call their collaboration KR8V (Creative). Before Illustrator 7.0, Adobe sof...
<p>Colorado USA dot co and Colorado Tax dot co are web portals. Portals are doorways. The computer was opening new doorways. Gateway computers came out. The military asked me to develop Maingate.com near the Navy bases in Jacksonville, Florida. Gates, doors, and I turned to developing with the term Portfolio. Portal and portfolio are both root words utilizing the way to door as in entry to a doo...
<p>It has been said that we find what we look for. How often do we rush around without seeing what is right beside us? How often does the world look bleak to us? By using photographs and a few words, Fedeler explores the world in search of what is positive. Looking in the ground and up in the sky we can find beauty, humor, calm, simplicity, complexity, color, the unexpected, alternatives and unu...
<p>Recently Marilyn Manson created a logo shaped like a swastika. Manson was dropped from his label Interscope. Many say it was because of a song called Pretty as a Swastika. The Interscope label warned Marilyn Manson. David Geffen owns Interscope Geffen via Geffen Records. David Geffen's parents were Jewish immigrants. The news is reporting a rise in antisemitism throughout America. The unemplo...
<p><em>Is CBD Oil really as wonderful as is being claimed? Does it help with the treatment of so many ailments and diseases as many people profess?</em></p> <p>For several centuries, the CBD Oil which is derived from the hemp plant has been used for the treatment of many diseases and ailments. Gradually, the plant as a potential solution to mankind’s many health challenges is beginning ...
<p>A poem about a 37 year old mother of 3 being treated privately for cancer. Treatment is being paid for purely by donations and all proceeds derived from this Poem will be donated to her ongoing treatment.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。...
<p>A theoretical and philosophical paper, that is meant to describe the universe and all existence, as being but if a floating point. Also, describing that the universe is not only a floating point, but that all existence is a floating point between cancelling worlds, but in cancellation of principles, also other arising principles, comprising of similar forces that could perhaps be the same?</...
<p>Bir gazeteci, zaman?n en ?nl? astrofizik?ilerinden olan Arthur Eddington’a “?zafiyet kuram?n? anlayan ?? ki?inin oldu?u s?yleniyor, do?ru mu?” ?eklinde bir soru sormu?. Eddington biraz d???nd?kten sonra “???nc? ki?i kim?” diye yan?tlam??.</p> <p>Do?rulu?u bilinmeyen bu anekdot bir ?eyi a??kca g?steriyor: ?zafiyet kuram? ?o?u insan taraf?ndan anla??lmam?? bir ?eydir. Kuantum kuram? da...
<p>My journey through building my first AR-15 gun. Having fun in the workshop isn't entirely a man's world! Hopefully this will encourage other women out there to spend a bit of time learning how to build a gun, it isn't all that hard to do.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※この...
<p>Este livro apresenta de forma resumida a instala??o do Nagios 3 e o gerenciador web NagiosQLEste livro apresenta de forma resumida a instala??o do Nagios 3 e o gerenciador web NagiosQL</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。...
<p>Народные средства и рецепты лечения геморроя и варикоза, как и многих других хронических заболеваний, несмотря на простоту и доступность, станут надежной поддержкой медикаментозного лечения и самым эффективным средством профилактики. Продуманная и доступная лечебная диета с рецептами блюд на каждый день, рецепты отваров, настоек и мазей на лекарственных травах, продуктах пчеловодства, лечение...
<p>Ebola is an infectious and generally fatal disease which is marked by fever and severe hemorrhage; it spreads through contact with infected fluids such as blood or other secretions from an infected person (or of ‘host’), either directly or indirectly through contaminated surfaces, needles or medical equipment. A patient is not contagious until he or she starts showing signs of the disease. ...
<p>Отдалить возрастные изменения остроты зрения и помочь нашим глазам в любом возрасте противостоять огромным нагрузкам, без которых невозможна, к сожалению, современная жизнь, помогут давно проверенные рецепты народной медицины. Рецепты вкусных и полезных блюд для ежедневной диеты, богатой жирными кислотами, аминокислотами, каротиноидами и витаминами, а также комплексы лечебной гимнастики и мас...
<p>El origen de las especies (The origin of species, en ingl?s) o m?s exactamente El origen de las especies mediante la selecci?n natural o la conservaci?n de las razas favorecidas en la lucha por la vida es un libro escrito por Charles Darwin (1809 -1882), publicado el 24 de noviembre de 1859 (John Murrap, Londres); agot? los 1.250 ejemplares impresos en el primer d?a. En ?l, expuso por primera...
<p>Книга расскажет о причинах возникновения таких серьезных хронических недугов как радикулит и ревматизм, их формах и соответствующих народных методах и рецептах лечения, проверенных многими поколениями. И сейчас не утратили свою эффективность, став незаменимыми помощниками официальной медикаментозной медицины, оздоровительные банные процедуры, минеральные воды, отвары и настои лекарственных тр...
<p>Animal teeth are often very different from our own. They are not only shaped differently, they also work differently. Here are some strange things scientists have discovered about animal teeth.</p> <p>What animal has the strongest bite force of any mammal?<br /> What do lemurs use your teeth for?<br /> What is strange about the water deer’s teeth?<br /> How much would a single mamm...
<p>Practice and hone important addition skills with this second book. Select one of twenty addition problems with complete solutions that educate the student in the addition process. The book also includes four bonus word problems with complete explanations and answers. Easily navigate the links from the problem list to view the solution with answer, and then return to the practice problems to s...