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■COMPUTERS & SCIENCE 【価格の安い順】(件)
<p>Practice and hone important subtraction skills with this third book. Select one of twenty subtraction problems with complete solutions that educate the student in the subtraction process. The book also includes four bonus word problems with complete explanations and answers. Easily navigate the links from the problem list to view the solution with answer, and then return to the practice probl...
<p>A website is not complete without an About page. The About page tells the passing reader who you are, why they should care, and why they should read your blog. A potential reader who cannot find these answers may never become a reader in fact. This 500 word article gives you the tools for writng your own About page.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ペ...
<p>In <em>On the Origin of Species</em>, naturalist Charles Darwin examines the role of natural selection in the evolution of plant and animal species. Revolutionary at the time of its publication in 1859, <em>On the Origin of Species</em> and Darwin's theory of natural selection served as one of the foundations or modern theories of evolution.</p> <p>Be it mystery, romance, drama, c...
<p>Recent research has linked the purine molecule adenosine and its phosphate group attached precursors to neuroimmunological processes that include the induction and suppression of inflammation. However, there is limited discussion on the implicit physiological strategy which may dictate the purpose and efficacy of such internal interventions involving adenosine and adenosine triphosphate (ATP)...
<p>Usualmente el turista cuando visita New York queda atrapado en las redes de Manhattan y no llega a caminar por otras ?reas de extraordinario inter?s. Brooklyn es uno de los lugares m?s intensos y originales del mundo nuestro. La inmensa mezcla de culturas que coexisten e interact?an quedan retratadas en este hermoso libro de viajes. Lleno de escenas pintorescas en las que los ambientes multir...
<p>Colourful characters Corin the Coronavirus, Jack the Bat, Suzie Soap and other friends help explain the Coronavirus (COVID-19) to children.</p> <p>Teen author Sophie Torro has written and illustrated this book in the 'Q&A Kids' series to help children better understand the concerns of this global pandemic in a simple and easy format.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご...
<p>A doctor asked on Twitter, "What's one thing you wished you knew when you had to look after one of your own family members?"</p> <p>I needed over 1000 words to respond, although my 140 character-answer is this: I wish I'd known better how to just sit still, or at least act normally, with my father after his diagnosis with brain cancer.</p> <p>Luckily, my infant son Max was a lot wiser...
<p>Des personnages Charles le Coronavirus, Ren? la Chauve-Souris, Daphn? la Savon et d'autres amis, aident ? expliquer le coronavirus (COVID-19) aux enfants.</p> <p>Sophie Torro, auteur adolescente, a ?crite et illustr?e cette livre dans la s?rie "Q&R Enfants" pour aider les enfants ? mieux comprendre les pr?occupations li?es ? cette pand?mie mondiale dans un format simple et facile.</p>画...
<p>?Tienes una? Tal vez tengas dos? ?Quiz?s no tienes piernas en lo absoluto? Estoy seguro de que te gustan los zapatos, ese admirable envase para el extremo sur de nuestra anatom?a.<br /> Este librito de fotos pretende ser un breve pero agradable viaje por el paisaje de las piernas humanas. Im?genes construidas a partir de lo absolutamente informal, como si se pudiese helar por un instante la...
<p>AUTHOR’S FOREWORD:</p> <ol> <li>Every student heartily wishes to show his mettle in 11th class and 12th class. He will score cent percent marks if he works according to a perfect plan.</li> <li>The student must not simply get the answers by heart. He must cultivate the habit of reading an answer by understanding its meaning. Then he has to write the answer on a sheet of paper witho...
<p>What stands between you, the amateur radio operator, and all the other amateur radio operators in the world?</p> <p><strong>Antennas</strong>. Yours, theirs…and propagation conditions between.</p> <p>In other words, you can have the most advanced transceiver, coupled with the most powerful amplifier on the market, if you know too little about how antenna systems work and about rad...
<p>El uso del tri?ngulo es muy “trend” aunque m?s como adici?n gr?fica a las obras que como “borde”, “contenci?n” de las mismas.<br /> Foto-libro dedicado a la fotografia callejera en New York desde una casi imposible ?ptica minimalista. Lograr obtener im?genes limpias, de expresividad ordenada y racionalizad en una ciudad como New York es cosa bien improbable. New York no es una ciudad ...
<p>This is our second book dedicated to, perhaps, the best and most intense city in the world: New York. In this number we will show new photos made buy the travelers and we will learn a little more about how this city is growing up. The Manhattan Odyssey is a group of books created using only one camera. Which one? it is part of the challenge to discover here.<br /> Enjoy.</p>画面が切り替わ...
<p>Una Odisea en Manhattan es un foto-libro en el que se hace un emocionante recorrido por dicho lugar de Nueva York. Al inicio del mismo se nos da informaci?n pertinente sobre la c?mara usada as? como sus posibilidades t?cnicas y de uso. Parte de la concepci?n general de esta colecci?n de libros es ofrecer una mirada fresca y at?pica al viajero sali?ndose de los marcos habituales de una gu?a o ...
<p> There are a lot of individuals that have reserved thoughts about the protein diet. Some are of the opinion that eating so much protein will be harmful in the long run while others are of the o<strong><em>pinion that one cannot possible shed pounds by consuming so much protein</em></strong>.</p> <p> The aim that the author has with <em><strong>“Protein Diet Made Easy For Men ...
<p>La tercera entrega de Una Odisea en Manhattan cuenta con muy interesantes adiciones. Por primera vez incluimos informaci?n de una c?mara Nikon y mantenemos la anterior sobre una c?mara Canon. Ambas han sido usadas para crear las im?genes de este foto-libro. Divertidas y originales, cada fotograf?a lleva al lector a realizar un viaje por Nueva York. Viaje impredecible y at?pico que difiere sus...
<p>Coven Delacruz is the next big thing in horror and film. You can be sure of it. He does it all; writer, director, actor, producer, editor, photographer and eFX master. This book is about Coven the filmmaker, the artist, the fan, the friend, and the movie lover. It covers his early years, projects, awards, life, friends, and some of the secrets behind his filmmaking and amazing eFX.</p>画面...
<p>Manhattan Odyssey is a long collection of books dedicated to New York City. Through an imaginary travel with a group of tourists the reader will discover the city in a very particular way. Nothing about the usual imagery about the city. This collection will bring to each of you a new road of learning, a new adventure and a challenge for the eyes. Enjoy.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお...
<p>Автор предлагает свой вариант построения, на основе закономерностей эволюции естественной, принципов эволюции искусственной, управляемой разумом Человека.</p> <p>В книге предпринимается попытка научного обоснования возможностей дальнейшего развития человеческой цивилизации без срывов в войны и революции; с соблюдением принципов гуманности и свободы.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお...
<p>Le pr?sent Guide pour les patients a ?t? enti?rement r?dig? et produit par Cancer<br /> pulmonaire Canada afin de r?pondre aux besoins d’information des patients et<br /> des personnes soignantes. Il est ? jour et il illustre les pratiques actuellement en<br /> vigueur au Canada.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替...
<p>This ebook is the first installment in the series "TopGun Veg-Tool". This ebook provides the definition/description of the TopGun Veg-Tool instrument for the utility forester to implement his electric power transmission vegetation management program.</p> <p>Photographs of in-the-field use (actual inspections) of the TopGun are provided.</p> <p>The TopGun Veg-Tool allows the utility fo...
<p>The essential getting started guide to Oracle Database 12c. This book covers:<br /> * Installation<br /> * Database Fundamentals<br /> * Database Creation<br /> * Tablespaces<br /> * User Accounts and Roles<br /> * Database Schema (tables, indexes, sequences, synonyms, views...)<br /> * RMAN Backups and more!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo...
<p> This book explains how to format e-books for Kindle using Microsoft Word, convert into Kindle format, and self publish the e-book at Amazon Kindle Store. The information in this book will help the user to use the right formatting styles for the e-book and more importantly upload and have the book converted into Kindle format without the need of professional conversion services.</p>画面が切...
<p>Jesus undoubtedly suffered from paranoid schizophrenia with hallucinations, delusions and paranoia.</p> <p>The purpose of this book is to provide a psychiatric portrait of the historical figure known as Jesus of Nazareth, the founder of Christianity. Such a title is indeed shocking, but after a detailed analysis of the words and actions of Jesus mentioned in the Gospels, it clearly appear...