■COMPUTERS & SCIENCE 【価格の安い順】(件)



The AI Bible, Making Money with Artificial Intelligence: Real Case Studies and How-To's for Implementation【電子書籍】[ Jhon Dujardin ]
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<p>In a world where Artificial Intelligence (AI) is playing an increasingly significant role, "The AI Bible, Making Money with Artificial Intelligence" provides you with a comprehensive guide to harnessing the potential of AI and achieving financial success.</p> <p>Whether you are a budding entrepreneur, a seasoned investor, or simply interested in the possibilities of AI, this book provides...
La Dieta Mediterr?nea Para Principiantes, Gu?a Paso A Paso Con Recetas Para Comer Mejor Y Bajar De Peso【電子書籍】[ Alejandra Roma ]
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<p>La dieta mediterr?nea se basa en <strong>los alimentos tradicionales que la gente come en pa?ses como Italia y Grecia.</strong></p> <p>Los investigadores se?alaron que estas personas eran excepcionalmente saludables en comparaci?n con otras personas de otros pa?ses y ten?an un bajo riesgo de muchas enfermedades con este estilo de vida.</p> <p><strong>Numerosos estudios han demos...
?tiin?a Nutri?ional? A Spirulinei【電子書籍】[ C?sar Gonz?lez Andrade ]
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<p>?n aceast? carte pute?i descoperi adev?ratele beneficii pentru s?n?tatea dumneavoastr? de a consuma spirulin? ?n fiecare zi.</p> <p>M?n?nci spirulin??</p> <p>Faci exerci?ii fizice?</p> <p>Ai anemie?</p> <p>Ai hipertensiune arterial??</p> <p>Dac? r?spunzi afirmativ la cel pu?in una dintre aceste ?ntreb?ri, aceast? carte este pentru tine ?i va fi extrem de util? pentru a-?i ...
Short Tricks of Math【電子書籍】[ knoweldgeflow ]
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<p>The book of Short Tricks of Math is prepared for those who want to learn interesting mathematical techniques to boost up the calculating method. These Short ticks of Math provide you much faster methods of the mathematical problems than classical. Short Tricks of Math book for students or math lovers.</p> <p>This book helps to improve your calculation skill and provide magical techniques ...
You Have Cancer Now What?【電子書籍】[ Judith Court ]
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<p>"Facing cancer at 37 years old was not what I had planned for my life, but I refused to let it define me."</p> <p>In this small self help book about cancer, I share my personal journey to recovery and offer practical tips that had worked for me for other people facing a similar battle.</p> <p>From nourishing your with healthy foods to cultivating a positive mindset, I believe that wit...
AI in Action: A Comprehensive Guide to Real-world Applications【電子書籍】[ Christoffer Smestad ]
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<p>Explore the Transformative Power of Artificial Intelligence (AI)</p> <p>Witness the rapid growth of AI, a field that is reshaping our lives and professional landscape. Discover the latest advancements and real-world applications, including machine learning, deep learning, computer vision, robotics, and natural language processing.</p> <p>Trace the evolution of AI from its early concep...
Pocket Guide to Erectile Dysfunction【電子書籍】[ Tara Wilkinson ]
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<p>If, you have erectile dysfunction on a regular basis, this can be stressful, have an effect on your self-confidence, and lead to difficulties in your relationships. Problems obtaining or maintaining an erection can be a symptom of an underlying health problem that requires treatment as well as a risk factor for cardiovascular disease.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購...
The Nutritional Science of Teas Nutrition and health books in English【電子書籍】[ C?sar Gonz?lez Andrade ]
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<p><strong>???Healthy!!!</strong></p> <p>?What if you could improve your health just by drinking teas and infusions?</p> <p>?Do you currently drink tea?</p> <p>?Would you like to improve your health?</p> <p>?Do you know which teas or infusions can help you lose weight?</p> <p>?Have you had teas or infusions that did not work?</p> <p>?How many times have you searched f...
T?ren im Duett【電子書籍】[ maki starfield/Yesim Agaogle ]
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<p>Ein literarischer Dialog zweier Schriftstellerinnen aus verschiedenen Kulturen und Kontinenten, die das gemeinsam und getrennt Erlebte in Worte bringen.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。...
Healing Low Back Pain and Neck Pain【電子書籍】[ Sachin Bansal ]
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<p>ABOUT THE AUTHOR:</p> <p>The author of this self-help text is a board certified physician specializing in spine care. He has been in practice for almost a decade taking care of thousands of patients suffering from chronic pain.</p> <p>CONTENT:</p> <p>The purpose of this short book is to provide easy at-home-remedies available for neck and low back pain during the COVID-19 pandemic...
Drafting the Personal Statement【電子書籍】[ Sarah Toombs Smith ]
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<p>The purpose of this guide is to help you through the process of developing a Personal Statement (AMCAS essay) as part of the application to Medical School. It is divided into four parts: Understanding the purpose of a Personal Statement as part of the application to Medical School; Gathering together the raw materials of your essay; Determining which parts to amplify; and Organizing the build...
Nutrizione Raccolta Vita Sana, #4【電子書籍】[ Alpz Italia ]
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<p>La nutrizione ? lo studio di come il corpo utilizza il cibo e altre sostanze per mantenere la salute e la crescita.</p> <p>L'importanza dell'alimentazione per mantenere una buona salute e il benessere non pu? essere sottovalutata. Una buona alimentazione ? necessaria per tutti gli aspetti della vita, dallo sviluppo fisico al benessere mentale ed emotivo. Infatti, una buona alimentazione p...
Mastering Excel Macros: Introduction Mastering Excel Macros, #1【電子書籍】[ Mark Moore ]
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<p>Excel macros. Everywants to learn them. You're not a programmer though. How is a non technical user going to learn how to program? You do want to use macros to make your work easier but are you really going to sit down with a huge programming textbook and work your way through every. single. boring. page? Like most people, you'll start with great enthusiasm and vigor but after a few chapters,...
Dieta Keto Y Ayuno Intermitente: La Combinaci?n Perfecta Para Una Vida Saludable【電子書籍】[ Elizabeth R. Campos ]
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<p><strong>?Est?s buscando una forma efectiva y probada de mejorar tu salud y bienestar? ?Te gustar?a encontrar un enfoque que te permita perder peso, aumentar tu energ?a y disfrutar de una vida saludable a largo plazo? Si es as?, ?has llegado al lugar correcto!</strong></p> <p>En estas p?ginas, te sumergir?s en el fascinante mundo de la dieta cetog?nica y el ayuno intermitente. Aprender...
Expand Into The Universe【電子書籍】[ Ivan Lay ]
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<p>2,200 words. At one time, there was a book series: Ripley's Believe Or Not. Today's equivalent on the internet would be News of the Weird or Weird News.</p> <p>High entertainment value.</p> <p>My ebook will introduce you not to people who have lived, having two heads on one body, but to "Human Magnets"</p> <p>And while the "two headed people" can be explained by embyological misha...
A pequena balan?a Um cl?ssico da matem?tica【電子書籍】[ Galileu Galilei ]
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<p>Texto cl?ssico de Galileu Galilei (1564-1642) - f?sico, matem?tico, astr?nomo e fil?sofo italiano - sobre um dos v?rios instrumentos que ele desenvolveu: a balan?a hidrost?tica. Publicado ap?s a morte de Galileu, esse trabalho escrito na sua juventude procurou demonstrar, com base nesse procedimento sofisticado de equil?brio, como Arquimedes tinha resolvido o famoso caso do peso da coroa de H...
My Diet Your Diet Our Diet: Just When You Think You've Done It All【電子書籍】[ Nataisha T Hill ]
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<p><strong>This Is Not Your Typical Weight Loss Book</strong></p> <p>Losing weight is tough. It seems like everyone around you is losing weight from a diet that didn't work for you or a diet that is out of your budget. I'm going to give you cost effective ways to lose weight and diet routines proven to help you lose weight. This is about never giving up even if you "think" you've tried i...
Dieta Keto Simplificada, Una Gu?a Pr?ctica De La Dieta Keto Que Incluye Recetas Cetog?nicas Y Planes De Comidas【電子書籍】[ Jessica Santos ]
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<p>Si usted es alguien que quiere <strong>perder peso</strong>, entonces simplemente tendr? que esforzarse. Esto implica investigar una t?cnica de dieta eficaz y comprometerse con la dieta de todo coraz?n. La dieta cetog?nica es una de las mejores formas de perder peso r?pidamente y no recuperarlo, siempre que se ci?a a la dieta.</p> <p>Desafortunadamente, la dieta cetog?nica puede ser e...
Your Other Family Doctor: A Veterinary Medical Memoir【電子書籍】[ Lorelei K. Hickman ]
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<p>In the post-Covid era, the U.S. veterinary industry is in crisis, facing a massive problem with employee retention which makes it increasingly difficult for pet caregivers to access quality healthcare for their companion animals. The veterinary professionals who remain also suffer from widespread mental health and quality of life issues. As a bastion of public health helping to ensure food sa...
Full Free Motion of Celestial Bodies Around a Central Mass - Why Do They Mostly Orbit in the Equatorial Plane?【電子書籍】[ Raul Fattore ]
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<p>The aim of this book is to provide a more efficient way to calculate and predict orbits and trajectories, not only for celestial bodies, but also for artificial satellites we send outside our atmosphere, and for ballistic. The equations presented here might also help improve weather forecasts and perhaps predict atmospheric behavior more precisely.</p> <p>Nowadays, we know that gravity is...
For the Super Heavy Weight Championship Of the Universe: God vs. Science【電子書籍】[ Austin P. Torney ]
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<p>Color illustrated. 8 rounds.</p> <p>In the Beginning…<br /> God played an active role in the Universe,<br /> After creating it, each and every verse,<br /> And especially one upon the Earth…</p> <p>Which is supposedly<br /> Only a few thousand years old,<br /> Or so it has been told.</p> <p>God won this round, hands down,<br /> For even those many science clowns<br /...
Dieta Cetog?nica Para Diab?ticos: Mejora Tu Salud Metab?lica Y Estabiliza Tus Niveles De Az?car【電子書籍】[ Elizabeth R. Campos ]
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<p><strong>?Est?s buscando una forma efectiva de controlar tu diabetes y mejorar tu salud metab?lica? ?Tenemos la soluci?n perfecta para ti! Perm?tenos presentarte "La Dieta Cetog?nica para Diab?ticos: Mejora tu Salud Metab?lica y Estabiliza tus Niveles de Az?car".</strong></p> <p>Este libro est? dise?ado espec?ficamente para personas con diabetes que desean aprovechar los beneficios de ...
Metaverse Made Simple【電子書籍】[ My Cusine ]
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<p>It is becoming very challenging to make a business without online components these days.</p> <p>People prefer to interact digitally, especially the younger generation.</p> <p>By creating a business or just a personal profile on virtual worlds, your life is open to many more opportunities both professionally and personally.</p> <p>Using the Metaverse is also better for those who wa...
Yoga Cole??o Vida Saud?vel, #8【電子書籍】[ Alpz Brasil ]
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<p>Yoga ? uma antiga disciplina indiana que remonta a mais de 5.000 anos.</p> <p>Yoga ? derivado da palavra s?nscrita yuj, que significa "fundir ou unir". O objetivo final do yoga ? alcan?ar um estado de paz interior e harmonia, unindo o eu individual com o eu universal.</p> <p>Na Civiliza??o do Vale do Indo, selos e esculturas representando posi??es de ioga foram descobertas como a prim...
David Attenborough - Talking to a Great Broadcaster【電子書籍】[ Gareth Huw Davies ]
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<p>I hope this short book throws some more light on one of the great communicators.</p> <p>I have interviewed Sir David Attenborough many times, mainly for articles published in the UK broadcasting listings magazine Radio Times. These essays and shorter pieces - on subjects ranging from the world's rarest birds to meerkats, from a strange Easter island statue to his one pet hate, the rat - a...
HIIT Cole??o Vida Saud?vel, #6【電子書籍】[ Alpz Brasil ]
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<p>O Treinamento Intervalado de Alta Intensidade (HIIT) ? um tipo de exerc?cio que consiste em rajadas curtas de atividade intensa seguidas de descanso ou atividade de menor intensidade. O HIIT pode ajudar no condicionamento f?sico geral, melhorando o condicionamento cardiovascular, aumentando o metabolismo e promovendo a perda de gordura.</p> <p>Para obter o m?ximo de benef?cios do HIIT, el...
Hablemos de Diabetes, Descubra Los Conceptos B?sicos De La Diabetes【電子書籍】[ Isabella Valencia ]
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<p><strong>Hablemos de Diabetes, Descubra Los Conceptos B?sicos de La Diabetes</strong></p> <p>Has o?do hablar del t?rmino "diabetes" y tienes una comprensi?n general de lo que es la enfermedad. Es una enfermedad en la que los niveles de glucosa en sangre son m?s altos de lo que deber?an ser.</p> <p>Se estima que hay <strong>millones de personas</strong> que tienen diabetes y un ...
?寒?病?(?体中文版) 中??世珍藏古典文?【電子書籍】[ ?仲景 ]
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<p>《?寒?病?》是?仲景所著的一部中??世珍藏的国学?典佳作,在海内外广???和流?,?得??品味。 本???体中文版,全本11回,由?雅出版社精心制作。?雅出版社?分?提供其繁体中文版与?繁体?照版,?迎大家下???。 我?的出版社致力于出版?典名著的数字化版本,?一本?子?都??精心??制作,以便用?可以在所有?型的?子??器和??上尽情享受??。</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は...
Before the Rainbow【電子書籍】[ Nata?a Kovaljev-Opati? ]
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<p>The book Before the rainbow is a striking confession of a mother, intertwined with powerful emotions of love and sadness, disappointments and a painful life story. Since she gave birth to her daughter, life seems to have come to a standstill for her. Totally dedicated to her child, with unconditional love, care and adoration, the mother seems to have put aside all the other relationships, inc...
Elephant Seal Seasons at the Piedras Blancas Colony, CA【電子書籍】[ Denise Kocek ]
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<p>Elephant Seal Seasons provides you with a clear description of the behavior of the elephant seals at the Piedras Blancas colony on the central coast of California. You can easily find out which elephant seals are currently on shore and what activities they're busy engaging in. This book is simple to navigate and presents pertinent shore-time facts in an easy-to-understand format.</p>画面が...