【みんなのポイント資産】43億6752万7290円相当 (本日の増減 -4万9549円) [20:40現在]
■COMPUTERS & SCIENCE 【価格の安い順】(件)
<p>Dive into the intricate world of cardiovascular medicine with our treatise, 'Aortic Coarctation: Unraveling Pathways, Bridging Gaps, and Shaping the Future of Cardiovascular Care.' This comprehensive exploration takes you on a journey through the historical, anatomical, genetic, and clinical dimensions of aortic coarctation, a congenital anomaly with far-reaching implications for cardiovascul...
<p>Dive into the intricate world of lactose intolerance with 'Comprehensive Insights into Lactose Intolerance: From Genetics to Therapeutics.' This treatise offers a comprehensive exploration of this prevalent condition, unraveling its roots in genetics, dissecting the intricate digestive mechanisms, and delving into cutting-edge therapeutic approaches.</p> <p>Discover the genetic underpinni...
<p>Elephant Seal Seasons provides you with a clear description of the behavior of the elephant seals at the Piedras Blancas colony on the central coast of California. You can easily find out which elephant seals are currently on shore and what activities they're busy engaging in. This book is simple to navigate and presents pertinent shore-time facts in an easy-to-understand format.</p>画面が...
<p>This edition represents an early study of crowd psychology by Scottish journalist Charles Mackay. The book chronicles its subjects in three parts: "National Delusions", "Peculiar Follies", and "Philosophical Delusions". MacKay was an accomplished teller of stories, though he wrote in a journalistic and somewhat sensational style. The subjects of Mackay's debunking include alchemy, crusades, d...
<p>This is another intensive report in the "simple solutions" series. This book examines what is cholesterol and how you can use simple, quick, safe, and easy, natural cures to resolve your issue in no time! By the end of this book you should be able to:<br /> ? Have a better understanding of what cholesterol is.<br /> ? Why having LDLs is a bad idea.<br /> ? Risk factors involved.<br />...
<p>In the journey of life, it's easy to find ourselves in moments of stagnation, feeling trapped by routines, fears, or circumstances.</p> <p>"Why People Get Stuck: Breaking Free from Life's Common Traps" is a transformative guide that delves into the psychological, emotional, and behavioral patterns that keep individuals from reaching their full potential.</p> <p>Through insightful expl...
<p>Let us ask what makes a planet round? Is it just luck? Or is it logic? The answer is logic. The round shape indicates a perfect balance; the distance of any point on the surface of a sphere and the center is always even from all sides. But is evenness important? Yes, evenness is balance and the laws of physics are the laws of balance in physical nature. Let us ask what causes gravity? Matter ...
<p>Die fettl?slichen Vitamine D, E, K und A haben eine zentrale Bedeutung f?r das Immunsystem, Herz-Kreislauf-System, Knochen, Muskeln, Blutgerinnung und vieles mehr. Auch bei der Pr?vention zahlreicher Krankheiten wie Atemwegserkrankungen, COVID-19, Krebs, Herz-Kreislauf- und Autoimmunerkrankungen spielen sie eine Rolle. Vor allem Vitamin D gewinnt aufgrund neuer wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisse...
<p>La randonn?e est une forme de loisirs de plein air dans laquelle les participants traversent un terrain naturel, tel que des montagnes, des for?ts ou des d?serts, ? pied ou ? pied. Le v?lo peut ?tre pratiqu? ? des fins r?cr?atives, de remise en forme ou de transport.</p> <p>Les randonneurs portent g?n?ralement des chaussures ou des bottes solides et portent un sac ? dos avec de l'eau, de ...
<p>Adult Acne: 10 Inexpensive Ways to Cure and Prevent it</p> <p>Adult acne is certainly not fun to deal with. Unfortunately, there is not one magic formula to cure adult acne or even prevent adult acne. To become acne free, you have to try different things from changing the soap that you use to even perhaps changing the foods that you consume. What works for one person will not necessarily ...
<p>Following up on volume 1, eleven more cases from the monthly Psychiatry Letter are provided in this ebook. Each case is provided with recommendations for an approach consistent with the PL philosophy and with links to further explanations on the PL website or to scientific articles.</p> <p>Case 1. Ending suicidality by stopping antidepressants in supposed borderline personality</p> <p...
<p>Do you experience joint discomfort or stiffness? This book unravels the mystery behind bone spurs, scientifically termed osteophytes, offering a deep dive into their formation, diagnosis, and management.</p> <ul> <li><strong>DETAILED ANALYSIS OF OSTEOPHYTE PATHOPHYSIOLOGY</strong>: Learn about the cellular and molecular mechanisms behind abnormal bone growth.</li> <li><strong>...
<p>O valor das criptomoedas continua aumentando diariamente. Esse valor crescente, oferece um grande incentivo para que indiv?duos e empresas passam a investir nessa ?rea tamb?m. As pessoas que lucraram durante a grande ascens?o das moedas digitais como o bitcoin, sabem quanta diferen?a as decis?es de investimento certas podem fazer. No entanto, nunca ? tarde demais para algu?m investir em cript...
<p>The new version of eBook Coding For Everywith improved font style for reading comfort aims to simplify coding for beginners. The eBook is for those who just started coding and know nothing about it, eBook explains coding in an easy way such that anycan understand and do it practicals given in eBook. The author strongly believes that by using coding we can change by just sitting in a room. Eve...
Navigating Anemia During Pregnancy - From Physiology to Precision Care【電子書籍】[ Dr. Spineanu Eugenia ]
<p>This treatise delves into the intricate realm of Anemia During Pregnancy, offering a comprehensive exploration that transcends traditional boundaries. From unraveling the physiological symphony of hematological changes during gestation to the precision care approaches reshaping clinical practice, this treatise harmonizes diverse facets of anemia management.</p> <p>The treatise commences w...
<p>La nutrici?n es el estudio de c?mo el cuerpo utiliza los alimentos y otras sustancias para mantener la salud y el crecimiento.</p> <p>No se puede subestimar la importancia de la nutrici?n para mantener una buena salud y bienestar. La buena nutrici?n es necesaria para todos los aspectos de la vida, desde el desarrollo f?sico hasta el bienestar mental y emocional. De hecho, una nutrici?n ad...
<p>This book features 20 real stories of patients who have found healing. For those who don't believe no amount of data or explanation will be enough. For those who believe no explanation is necessary. By telling you these stories, we don't intend to convince you to follow our healing path. Rather let these stories be useful lessons that you can learn from. we learn a lot from our patients. hope...
<p>Paranoia Unveiled: Exploring Neurobiology, Therapies, and Personalized Approaches in Psychosis Management" offers a comprehensive journey into understanding and managing paranoia within the spectrum of psychosis. Delving into the intricate neurobiological landscape, this treatise unveils the complexities of paranoia, shedding light on its origins and manifestations.</p> <p>From genetic pr...
<p>In dit boek kun je ontdekken welke van de gewoonten die je hebt ervoor zorgen dat je je haar verliest en welke voedingsmiddelen je kunt consumeren om haaruitval te voorkomen.</p> <p>Hebben je ouders kaalheid?</p> <p>Begin je haar te verliezen?</p> <p>Zie je haar op je kussen?</p> <p>Heb je last van veel stress en slaapproblemen?</p> <p>Als je ja antwoordt op ten minste ??n...
<p>Clumsy, awkward, and perpetually embarrassed? Congratulations, you're one viral video away from internet stardom.</p> <p>Meet <strong>Mimi Meme,</strong> the self-proclaimed Queen of Cringe and master of turning mortifying moments into meme gold. With her feathered sidekick Captain Cocky and a knack for catastrophe, Mimi's about to teach you how to:</p> <p>? Transform your daily d...
<p><strong>THE ALL-IN-ONE GUIDE FOR BEGINNERS TO GET STARTED WITH THE KETOGENIC DIET AND START LIVING A HEALTHIER LIFE!</strong></p> <p><em>Are you looking to lose weight?</em></p> <p>The ketogenic diet is a very effective way of losing weight and it's one of the most popular diets in the world right now, with many people seeing great results.</p> <p>Whether you want to lose ...
<p>Apple makes great mobile products as we all know: iPod, iPad, and iPhone, but their PCs are very expensive. So why throw down for a Mac when YOU can build your very own PC for a fraction of the cost, yet will be just as fast, if not faster? This guide gives the would-be PC builder a top-ten list of essential rules to follow in order to successfully build a solid system that will do it all! En...
<p>This case report describes the poor outcome of a female patient who underwent elective nephrectomy. Unfortunately, the patient was suffering from undiagnosed preoperative platelet dysfunction and anemia, although blood count and clotting were almost within normal ranges two weeks earlier at the day of preoperative assessment for anesthesia. In this respect, intensive preoperative evaluation o...
<p>Delve into the multifaceted realm of Rotaviral Enteritis in this comprehensive treatise. Uncover the intricate web of immunological, clinical, and therapeutic aspects surrounding this gastrointestinal condition. Rotaviral Enteritis, a prevalent viral infection affecting the intestinal tract, is meticulously dissected to reveal its immunological intricacies, clinical manifestations, and therap...
<p>Machine learning, often abbreviated as ML, has swiftly risen from a niche topic in computer science to a central pillar in technology, innovation, and everyday life. From chatbots guiding us on websites to recommendation engines suggesting our next favorite movie, machine learning algorithms play an integral role in shaping our digital experiences. As the world generates an increasing volume ...
<p>This booklet helps you make home remedies for colds and flu, utilizing common household ingredients like salt, lemon, garlic, and ginger. Includes two recipes for homemade chicken soup, and guided imagery instruction to help your body's innate ability to heal. Describes the difference between a cold and the flu, and the consequences of relapse, including bronchitis and pneumonia. This booklet...
<p>Explore the intricate landscape of Phobic Anxiety Disorders with 'Comprehensive Insights into Phobic Anxiety Disorders: From Neurobiology to Integrative Therapies.' Delve into this comprehensive treatise meticulously crafted to uncover the multifaceted dimensions of anxiety disorders, offering an extensive examination from neurobiological underpinnings to cutting-edge integrative therapies. D...
<p>"Calcium Deficiency Unveiled: Bridging Science, Wellness, and Holistic Health" offers a comprehensive exploration into the intricate world of calcium deficiency. Delving into the depths of scientific understanding, this treatise elucidates the critical role of calcium in the human body's intricate mechanisms while unraveling the multifaceted impact of its deficiency.</p> <p>From anatomica...
<p>This book on human digestion explains the basic processes of the digestive system. You will know that most of the challenging symptoms of critical diseases are healed with proper digestion. The dramatic stomach pain, severe cramps, bloating, frequent diarrhoea, and many more symptoms, for which many types of diets, medications, supplements, therapies and/or hypnosis were tried. None gave reli...
<p>Discover the complexities of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) through our comprehensive guide, 'Borderline Personality Unveiled: Navigating Insights, Innovations, and Ethical Care.' Delve into the intricate landscape of BPD, where we uncover the neural underpinnings, symptomatology, and groundbreaking therapeutic approaches.</p> <p>Explore established therapeutic modalities like Dial...