■COMPUTERS & SCIENCE 【価格の安い順】(件)



My Goliath【電子書籍】[ Adrian Hamilton ]
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<p>In "My Goliath: A Journey with Cancer" enbark on a awe-inspired tale of resilience, hope and the unwavering determinition, when forced with the earth shattering news of a diagnosis - the daunting words echoing in the depth of one's soul - what lies ahead of the protagonist. Torn between fear and fortitude, the protagonist memoir traces rthe Author's harrowing encounter with Colon Cancer and t...
Deadly Wildlife: Great Australian Biters【電子書籍】[ Daniel Hardie ]
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<p>Deadly Wildlife: Great Australian Biters.</p> <p>This eBook will take you through the natural and wild world that reside in the land Down Under... Australia.</p> <p>Poisonous spiders like the Sydney Funnel Web, Venomous Snakes including the Taipan as well as stinging and man-eating creatures from the deadly waters. Plus the dangerous insects that inflict serious amounts of pain.</p>...
Trilha Cole??o Vida Saud?vel, #10【電子書籍】[ Alpz Brasil ]
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<p>A caminhada ? uma forma de recrea??o ao ar livre na qual os participantes percorrem terrenos naturais, como montanhas, florestas ou desertos, a p? ou a p?. Andar de bicicleta pode ser feito para recrea??o, condicionamento f?sico ou transporte.</p> <p>Normalmente, os caminhantes usam sapatos ou botas resistentes e carregam uma mochila com ?gua, comida e roupas apropriadas para o clima.</p...
Vitamine D, E, K, A f?r Abwehrkraft und Gesundheit, 2., erweiterte Auflage Warum die fettl?slichen Vitamine so wichtig sind ? F?r: Immunsystem, Knochen und Muskeln, Herz-Kreislauf, Blutgef??e, Blutgerinnung, Zellschutz u.v.m.【電子書籍】
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<p>Die fettl?slichen Vitamine D, E, K und A haben eine zentrale Bedeutung f?r das Immunsystem, Herz-Kreislauf-System, Knochen, Muskeln, Blutgerinnung und vieles mehr. Auch bei der Pr?vention zahlreicher Krankheiten wie Atemwegserkrankungen, COVID-19, Krebs, Herz-Kreislauf- und Autoimmunerkrankungen spielen sie eine Rolle. Vor allem Vitamin D gewinnt aufgrund neuer wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisse...
Anorgasmia: A Comprehensive Exploration of Mechanisms, Multidimensional Perspectives, and Emerging Frontiers in Sexual Health【電子書籍】[ Dr. Spineanu Eugenia ]
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<p>This comprehensive treatise navigates the intricate landscape of anorgasmia, offering an in-depth exploration of a condition that transcends the physical to encompass psychological, neurological, and relational dimensions. Titled "Understanding and Addressing Anorgasmia," this treatise is a scholarly journey that unfolds over multiple chapters, providing a nuanced examination of the challenge...
A Comprehensive Treatise on Aphasia: Understanding the Medical, Anatomical, and Biochemical Perspectives【電子書籍】[ Dr. Spineanu Eugenia ]
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<p>The treatise on Aphasia is a comprehensive exploration of the intricate dimensions surrounding language impairment, offering a deep dive into the medical, neuroscientific, and holistic facets of this condition. Spanning ten chapters, each meticulously crafted, the treatise begins with a foundational understanding, delving into the historical evolution of the term "Aphasia" and providing a nua...
Dieta Keto Simplificada, Una Gu?a Pr?ctica De La Dieta Keto Que Incluye Recetas Cetog?nicas Y Planes De Comidas【電子書籍】[ Jessica Santos ]
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<p>Si usted es alguien que quiere <strong>perder peso</strong>, entonces simplemente tendr? que esforzarse. Esto implica investigar una t?cnica de dieta eficaz y comprometerse con la dieta de todo coraz?n. La dieta cetog?nica es una de las mejores formas de perder peso r?pidamente y no recuperarlo, siempre que se ci?a a la dieta.</p> <p>Desafortunadamente, la dieta cetog?nica puede ser e...
Astronomical Wonders【電子書籍】[ Austin P. Torney ]
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<p>In our universe, the dark chest of wonders<br /> Of Possibility and Probability opened up<br /> In just the just right way:<br /> Naked quarks spewed forth,<br /> Among other things,<br /> And boiled and brewed<br /> Into one of the steamiest broths<br /> Ever cooked up.</p> <p>They somehow simmered and combined<br /> Into the ordinary matter<br /> Of protons and neutron...
?tiin?a Nutri?ional? A Spirulinei【電子書籍】[ C?sar Gonz?lez Andrade ]
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<p>?n aceast? carte pute?i descoperi adev?ratele beneficii pentru s?n?tatea dumneavoastr? de a consuma spirulin? ?n fiecare zi.</p> <p>M?n?nci spirulin??</p> <p>Faci exerci?ii fizice?</p> <p>Ai anemie?</p> <p>Ai hipertensiune arterial??</p> <p>Dac? r?spunzi afirmativ la cel pu?in una dintre aceste ?ntreb?ri, aceast? carte este pentru tine ?i va fi extrem de util? pentru a-?i ...
Astronomical Visions【電子書籍】[ Austin P. Torney ]
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<p>Looking at the universe. Color Illustrated. Stars, space, and nebula.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。...
How To Lose Weight And Keep It Off? My Weight Loss System, Tips And Food Diary Will Help You!【電子書籍】[ N. T. Antonova ]
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<p>After years of unhealthy eating and little exercise, I decided to change my lifestyle. Through this book, I wanted to show you how I did it and how you can do it too. Weight loss doesn't have to be hard. This book will provide you with my easy-to-follow weight loss system, system to maintain the desired weight, tips and my personal food diary. I lost 5.5 kg in 50 days!<br /> My systems are ...
Derinlemesine Android Programming【電子書籍】[ Onder Teker ]
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<p>Bu kitapta Android i?letim d?zeniyle ?al??an, ba?ta cep telefonu gibi ayg?tlarda Java ve XML ile geli?tirme<br /> yap?lmas? anlat?lmaktad?r. Temel bilgiler ve Android Studio geli?tirme ?evresinin d???nda, karma??k uygulamalar ?retmek ve ayg?tlar?n destekledi?i ?zellikleri kullanmak i?in gerekli bilgiler verilmektedir. Konular, profesyonel uygulama geli?tirilmesine yard?mc? olmas? i?in, geli...
What I Wish We Knew: The Memos of an Undiagnosed Autistic with a Side of Post-Traumatic Stress【電子書籍】[ Zarqnon the Embarrassed ]
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<p>I am "that guy". I know why they ran. I made them uncomfortable. I am the reason a lot of people don't answer their phones. I have been fired, kicked out of school, in debt, separated, fired, evicted, in deeper debt, lost a business, kicked out of school again, fired, divorced, even deeper debt, kicked out of a band, labeled as "un-hirable", closed another business, fired, unable to buy groce...
The Nutritional Science of Teas Nutrition and health books in English【電子書籍】[ C?sar Gonz?lez Andrade ]
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<p><strong>???Healthy!!!</strong></p> <p>?What if you could improve your health just by drinking teas and infusions?</p> <p>?Do you currently drink tea?</p> <p>?Would you like to improve your health?</p> <p>?Do you know which teas or infusions can help you lose weight?</p> <p>?Have you had teas or infusions that did not work?</p> <p>?How many times have you searched f...
Mastering ChatGPT: Unlock the Power of AI for Enhanced Communication and Relationships English【電子書籍】[ Vasyl Kolomiiets ]
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<p>Unveil the potential of ChatGPT with this comprehensive ebook, designed to empower your communication skills, forge stronger relationships, and explore the captivating world of AI-driven language models. Delve into the GPT-4 architecture, uncover practical applications, and learn how to make the most of ChatGPT across various domains. By the end of the ebook, you'll have a profound understand...
?寒?病?(?体中文版) 中??世珍藏古典文?【電子書籍】[ ?仲景 ]
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<p>《?寒?病?》是?仲景所著的一部中??世珍藏的国学?典佳作,在海内外广???和流?,?得??品味。 本???体中文版,全本11回,由?雅出版社精心制作。?雅出版社?分?提供其繁体中文版与?繁体?照版,?迎大家下???。 我?的出版社致力于出版?典名著的数字化版本,?一本?子?都??精心??制作,以便用?可以在所有?型的?子??器和??上尽情享受??。</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は...
ALimentos para una vida sana【電子書籍】[ Mario Aveiga ]
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<p>En t?rminos simples, el cuerpo tiene dos sistemas muy diferentes y complejos de fuentes de producci?n de energ?a. Como la energ?a es vital para la existencia misma de la actividad humana y la supervivencia, el estilo de dos energ?as depende el uno del otro para apoyarse. Este libro le muestra qu? alimentos le dan m?s energ?a.</p> <p>Ocurre con mucha frecuencia: decidimos continuar con un ...
Elliptique Collection Vie Saine, #2【電子書籍】[ Alpz France ]
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<p>L'elliptique peut ?tre un outil utile pour la perte de poids et la sant? g?n?rale.</p> <p>Parmi les avantages potentiels de l'entra?nement elliptique, citons :</p> <p>Les entra?nements elliptiques intenses peuvent br?ler un nombre important de calories, ce qui en fait un outil pr?cieux pour perdre du poids.</p> <p>Les machines elliptiques offrent un entra?nement ? faible impact qu...
The Book of Numbers【電子書籍】[ Tim Glynne-Jones ]
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From zero to infinity, The Book of Numbers is a handy-sized volume which opens up a new realm of knowledge. Where else in one place could you find out how the illegal numbers racket worked, what makes some people see numbers as colours, why the standard US rail gauge exactly matches the axle width of an ancient Roman chariot, and the numerological connection between Adolf Hitler and Osama Bin Lade...
How To Go From an Idea to a Money-Making Membership Site Fast Real Fast Results, #25【電子書籍】[ Daniel Hall ]
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<p>Welcome to the Real Fast Results podcast! Thanks for being here. The special guest this episode is Robert Plank. Let’s jump right into the show today and see what Robert has to share with us…</p> <p>I am going to share how to go from having an idea for something, to solve some kind of problem, into having a money-making membership site ready to go. This will be where someone goes to a we...
Digiuno Raccolta Vita Sana, #1【電子書籍】[ Alpz Italia ]
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<p>Il digiuno ? la pratica di astenersi dal cibo e dalle bevande per un periodo di tempo prestabilito. ? stato usato per secoli per scopi religiosi e spirituali, ma recentemente ha guadagnato popolarit? come mezzo per migliorare la salute e perdere peso.</p> <p>Esistono diversi tipi di digiuno, come il digiuno intermittente, il digiuno alternato e il digiuno prolungato. Il digiuno intermitte...
Prevent And Treat Candidiasis【電子書籍】[ Nadine Barnard ]
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<p>How To Prevent And Treat Yeast Infections<br /> With Diet, Herbs, And Natural Remedies.</p> <p>Turn Your Health Around Without Expensive Medical Bills.</p> <p>Answers To Your Questions Such As 'What Is Candidiasis', 'What Are The Causes', Sgns And Symptoms', Prevention, Treatment, Diet / Eating Plan, Herbs / Supplements, And Natural Healing / Home Remedies, etc.</p>画面が切り替わり...
The Declining Cereal Diet【電子書籍】[ Chris Sipos ]
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<p>This is a self-paced program that requires no workouts and will yield results. This diet is also by far the simplest way to lower your calories without exercise or even changing the way you eat lunch or dinner.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。...
The Round Earth: Thoughts on Space and Gravity【電子書籍】[ George Shetuni ]
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<p>Let us ask what makes a planet round? Is it just luck? Or is it logic? The answer is logic. The round shape indicates a perfect balance; the distance of any point on the surface of a sphere and the center is always even from all sides. But is evenness important? Yes, evenness is balance and the laws of physics are the laws of balance in physical nature. Let us ask what causes gravity? Matter ...
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence: Exploring the Frontier of Human Innovation【電子書籍】[ Onur CAN ]
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<p>Dive into the fascinating world of Artificial Intelligence with <em>Introduction to Artificial Intelligence: Exploring the Frontier of Human Innovation</em>. This book serves as a gateway to understanding how AI is shaping the future, revolutionizing industries, and pushing the boundaries of what we once thought possible. From the basics of AI concepts to the most cutting-edge development...
Adult Acne: 10 Inexpensive Ways to Cure and Prevent it【電子書籍】[ Adult Acne | Acne Remedies ]
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<p>Adult Acne: 10 Inexpensive Ways to Cure and Prevent it</p> <p>Adult acne is certainly not fun to deal with. Unfortunately, there is not one magic formula to cure adult acne or even prevent adult acne. To become acne free, you have to try different things from changing the soap that you use to even perhaps changing the foods that you consume. What works for one person will not necessarily ...
Choices: A Pregnancy Guide【電子書籍】[ William Cutrer ]
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<p>"I'm Pregnant." Sometimes the realization comes as a shock, and a woman faces a situation she never intended or wanted. If you're that woman, this book is for you. Ob-gyn William Cutrer M.D. provides medical and spiritual advice. This guide offers your options and provides a guide to the nine months of your baby's development.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天...
HIIT Collection Vie Saine, #6【電子書籍】[ Alpz France ]
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<p>L'entra?nement par intervalles ? haute intensit? (HIIT) est un type d'exercice qui consiste en de courtes p?riodes d'activit? intense suivies d'un repos ou d'une activit? de faible intensit?. Le HIIT peut aider ? la condition physique g?n?rale en am?liorant la forme cardiovasculaire, en augmentant le m?tabolisme et en favorisant la perte de graisse.</p> <p>Pour tirer le meilleur parti du ...
Living Proof Part 4 of 4【電子書籍】[ Chris K. H. Teo ]
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<p>This book features 20 real stories of patients who have found healing. For those who don't believe no amount of data or explanation will be enough. For those who believe no explanation is necessary. By telling you these stories, we don't intend to convince you to follow our healing path. Rather let these stories be useful lessons that you can learn from. we learn a lot from our patients. hope...
Paranoia Unveiled: Exploring Neurobiology, Therapies, and Personalized Approaches in Psychosis Management【電子書籍】[ Dr. Spineanu Eugenia ]
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<p>Paranoia Unveiled: Exploring Neurobiology, Therapies, and Personalized Approaches in Psychosis Management" offers a comprehensive journey into understanding and managing paranoia within the spectrum of psychosis. Delving into the intricate neurobiological landscape, this treatise unveils the complexities of paranoia, shedding light on its origins and manifestations.</p> <p>From genetic pr...