■COMPUTERS & SCIENCE 【価格の安い順】(件)



WhatsApp, Nachrichten, FaceTime f?r iOS 12【電子書籍】[ Anton Ochsenk?hn ]
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<p>In Kontakt bleiben ist einfacher als jemals zuvor. Ein iPhone ist st?ndig in Griffweite und so kann man mit den Liebsten auch dann in Verbindung treten, wenn diese am anderen Ende der Welt unterwegs sind. In diesem E-Book zeige ich ihnen n?tzliche Tipps und Tricks, wie sie die Apps FaceTime, Nachrichten und auch WhatsApp noch eleganter bedienen k?nnen. Und ich verspreche ihnen, sie werden sta...
Einfaches Blockchain-Glossar f?r Anf?nger【電子書籍】[ Dennis S?nnichsen ]
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<p>Einfaches Blockchain-Glossar f?r Anf?nger In diesem Beitrag werde ich einige wichtige Blockchain-Terminologie mit Ihnen teilen, die Ihnen helfen wird, Ihre Blockchain-Reise anzukurbeln. Dieser Beitrag ist vollst?ndig ein Blockchain-Glossar f?r Anf?nger und w?rde Ihnen helfen, sich mit dieser Technologie vertraut zu machen.</p> <p>Feel free to check out: blockliv3.nft@ud.me | beacons.ai/bl...
Die besten NFTs und der Marktplatz f?r Erwachsene【電子書籍】[ Blockliv3 ]
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<p>Die besten NFTs und der Marktplatz f?r Erwachsene Bei Make An App diskutieren wir NFT, Metaverse und die Crypto-Welt in Echtzeit mit dem Markt-Update. In unseren vorherigen Artikeln haben wir NFT und die Zukunft von NFT erkl?rt, das Tool, um zu wissen, welches NFT zu kaufen ist usw. Klicken Sie auf die Links und lesen Sie im Detail. Kommen wir zum heutigen Thema 'Der beste NFT-Marktplatz und ...
macOS Sequoia Neuerungen PREMIUM-E-Book mit Videoanleitungen【電子書籍】[ Anton Ochsenk?hn ]
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<p>In dieser Anleitung erfahren Sie alles ?ber die Neuerungen zu macOS Sequoia. Diese Version ist das Update auf macOS Sonoma. Hier sehen Sie kurz und pr?gnant alles, was Sie zu diesem Update wissen m?ssen. UND: Dieses E-Book wird sukzessive erg?nzt, sobald es weitere Neuerungen geben wird. So wird vermutlich zu Beginn des Jahres 2025 Apple Intelligence f?r macOS verf?gbar sein. Laden Sie also d...
A Guide to Intermittent Fasting How to Use Intermittent Fasting To Successfully Lose Weight【電子書籍】[ Gregory Groves ]
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<p>Learn how to use intermittent fasting to lose weight now!</p> <p>The problem with pretty much every so called weight loss program and weight loss book out there is that all the information is just recycled information. Information that helps you minimally and only helps you externally, not internally. This sets you up for future failures.</p> <p>So many people struggle daily with iden...
The Top 5 Diets for Weight Loss Choose The Right Diet Plan For You【電子書籍】[ Gregory Groves ]
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<p>Which diet should you choose to lose weight?</p> <p>So many people struggle daily trying to identify with what is the best diet out there to actually lose weight.</p> <p>The problem with pretty much every fad diet and weight loss book out there is that all the information is just the same old recycled information.</p> <p>In this short book, I’ll help answer the questions:</p> ...
Big Data Application in Power Systems【電子書籍】
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<p><em>Big Data Application in Power Systems</em> brings together experts from academia, industry and regulatory agencies who share their understanding and discuss the big data analytics applications for power systems diagnostics, operation and control. Recent developments in monitoring systems and sensor networks dramatically increase the variety, volume and velocity of measurement data in ...
Contextual Inquiry for Medical Device Design【電子書籍】
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<p><em>Contextual Inquiry for Medical Device Design</em> helps users understand the everyday use of medical devices and the way their usage supports the development of better products and increased market acceptance.</p> <p>The text explains the concept of contextual inquiry using real-life examples to illustrate its application. Case studies provide a frame of reference on how contextua...
The Healing Power Within Transforming Cancer to Wellness【電子書籍】[ Shruti Sethi ]
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<p>In the face of a life-altering cancer diagnosis at the tender age of 34, I embarked on a profound journey that would redefine not just my health but the very essence of my existence. Balancing conventional treatments with holistic therapies, I discovered a transformative approach to wellbeing that went beyond mere physical appearance.<br /> As the cancer gradually receded, a new path emerge...
Malaise dans la civilisation【電子書籍】[ Sigmund Freud ]
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<p><em>? la suite de la premi?re Guerre mondiale, qui avait entra?n? Freud vers la mise en ?vidence, en 1920, de la pulsion de mort dans Au-del? du principe de plaisir, il ?largit la perspective au-del? de l'inconscient au sens strict pour s'attacher ? mettre en ?vidence un m?canisme semblable, ? l’?uvre au niveau de la culture, entendu au sens de civilisation, comme tout ce qui r?git et nour...
Personality and Psychometric Testing For Business Resource Manual【電子書籍】[ Jimmy Petruzzi ]
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Tumbuhan Herbal Tradisional Untuk Pengobatan Penyakit Mental Spiritual Dari Hutan Pegunungan Nusantara【電子書籍】[ Jannah Firdaus Mediapro ]
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<p>Sejarah penggunaan tumbuhan herbal dalam pengobatan tradisional di Indonesia telah berlangsung selama ribuan tahun. Tanaman obat telah digunakan oleh nenek moyang kita sebagai cara alami untuk mengobati berbagai penyakit, termasuk penyakit mental dan spiritual. Seperti stres, depresi, cemas berlebihan dan keinginan melukai diri sendiri serta juga bermanfaat untuk memperkuat kesehatan mental j...
Agro-Forestrium Herbal Medicine & Healing Food For Natural Treatment of ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)【電子書籍】[ Jannah Firdaus Mediapro, Cyber Sakura Flower Labs, Agro-Forestrium ]
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<p>"Agro-Forestrium: Herbal Medicine & Healing Food for Natural Treatment of ADHD" presents a comprehensive guide to managing ADHD through natural remedies and dietary approaches. Authored by experts in herbal medicine and agroforestry, this book bridges traditional wisdom with contemporary understanding to offer a holistic approach to treatment.</p> <p>The book begins by exploring the princ...
行?紀念寫真帖 1923年裕仁訪台寫真老照片【電子書籍】[ 臺北市役所 ]
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<p>大正十二年(1923)臺北市役所(市政府)出版的《行啓紀念寫真帖》,記?記?了當年日本皇太子裕仁來臺巡察訪問期間的活動照片。<br /> 《行啓紀念寫真帖》原書照片未依裕仁行程日期編排,次序較為凌亂,譯本則將原書圖片依裕仁訪臺期間的行程時間先後,重新編排,此外原書遺漏的行程照片,亦額外補充一些同時期的老照片,做為本書的補充照片,使?容更為完整。<br /> 謹將本書獻給對臺灣老照片有興趣的讀者們。</p>画面が切り替わりますので、...
臺北寫真帖 1913年珍貴臺北老照片【電子書籍】[ 村崎長昶 ]
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<p>《臺北寫真帖》出版於日治時代大正二年(1913),作者是日本人村崎長昶,由臺北新高堂書店發行,原書共48頁,蒐?了142張臺北景點照片。書中所呈現的臺北風景照片,如今已是百年之前的老照片,而?經一個世紀的時代變遷,照片中的景物,大多已經改變或消失,而能?幸運保存至今的建築物,則多已成為珍貴的?史古蹟,而建築名稱已有所不同,對照今昔的變化,使人深刻感受到社會的變遷與?史的滄桑。</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、...
The Writings of Charles Babbage【電子書籍】[ Charles Babbage ]
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<p>THE WRITINGS OF CHARLES BABBAGE contains two short works by the father of the modern computer, Charles Babbage. These works, ON THE ECONOMY OF MACHINERY AND MANUFACTURES and REFLECTIONS ON THE DECLINE OF SCIENCE IN ENGLAND are DRM free and include an active of contents for easy navigation.</p> <p>Charles Babbage (1791-1871) was a British mathematician and inventor, best known as the "fath...
The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy【電子書籍】[ Isaac Newton ]
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<p>First published in 1687, "The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy", often referred to as simply the <em>"Principia"</em>, is a work in three books by Isaac Newton.<br /> "The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy", arguably the most important book published in modern European history, began by offering the reader three basic principles, which have come to be known as N...
Spagyric Medicine【電子書籍】[ John Pharamund Rhumelius ]
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<p>John Pharamund Rhumelius was a German alchemist and physician, and a contemporary of Jan Baptist van Helmont. He was born in Neumark in 1597 and died in Nuremberg in 1661.</p> <p>Spagyric medicine is a natural method of health care based on medicinal plants.<br /> More popular in Germany, spagyric remedies, although similar to homeopathy and herbal medicine in many ways, are a unique cl...
iPod and iTunes For Dummies, Mini Edition【電子書籍】[ Tony Bove ]
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<p>Power up your iPod and enjoy everything it has to offer!</p> <p>iPods have totally revolutionized the way we play music, videos, and TV shows. This handy guide gets you off and running with your iPod and then helps you load it with songs, organize your music with playlists, browse and purchase content from the iTunes store, burn CDs, and more.</p> <p>Open the book and find:</p> <ul...
Twitter For Dummies, Mini Edition【電子書籍】[ Laura Fitton ]
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<p><strong>Learn all the things you can do with Twitter!</strong></p> <p>Make new friends, promote a product or service, build a fan base, raise funds for your favorite charity, and be part of the hottest trend around! Let these experts teach you Twitter shorthand, show you how to sign up, help you follow and be followed, and start you on the road to tweet success.</p> <p>Open the bo...
Electronics For You, June 2015【電子書籍】[ EFY Enterprises Pvt Ltd ]
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<p>Bringing to you the special issue on wearables with Electronics For You, June 2015. It will help you guide the golden rules related to design wearable devices, identify how flexible electronics is helping in the promotion of wearables and a buyer's guide for selecting the right wearable device. This is not all, this issue will also help you select the right wireless modules and...</p>画面が...
?燕子留个?【電子書籍】[ 干?群 ]
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Electronics For You, January 2015【電子書籍】[ EFY Enterprises Pvt Ltd ]
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<p>Brendan O’Brien, Chief Architect & Co-Founder, Aria Systems once said, "If you think that the internet has changed your life, think again. The IoT is about to change it all over again!" The only information required is on how and where to use it. The latest issue of Electronics For You, featured on IoT and Made in India initiative will answer this.</p>画面が切り替わりますので...
中美?国人工智能???展全面解?【電子書籍】[ ??研究院 ]
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Electronics For You February 2015【電子書籍】[ EFY Enterprises Pvt Ltd ]
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<p>3D printing is slowly making its grip in the industry making the works easier and faster. Here is the February issue of Electronics For You to not only inform you about the amazing advancements that arising due to 3D printing in India but also to find out the different causes of concern. Additionally, check out the buyer's guide on handheld instruments, the use of vedic mathematics in Embedde...
Electronics For You, July 2015【電子書籍】[ EFY Enterprises Pvt Ltd ]
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<p>Bringing to you the latest issue of Electronics For You that not only focuses on automotive electronics but also will let you know about many other things like the test and measurement tools used for LED lighting, ways to compute without any human interaction, buyer's guide on a pocket friendly oscilloscope or a Bluetooth speaker, popular and exciting circuits that you can design on your own....
Electronics For You, March 2015【電子書籍】[ EFY Enterprises Pvt Ltd ]
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<p>The demand for electronics wearables is increasing everyday and so is their variety. The latest issue of Electronics For You brings to you the list of amazing wearables along with the information to select your own smartwatch and a modern multimeter. It will also help you to use the new style of scopes and will guide you about the SMT equipments.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さ...
Electronics For You, April 2015【電子書籍】[ EFY Enterprises Pvt Ltd ]
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<p>Is 5G network your biggest dream? Get the latest issue of Electronics For You not only to find more information regarding the 5G network but also to get an insight into the FPGA development boards, to design a radio-controlled plane. It also has a buyer's guide on headphones, a market survey on Green UPS and inverter systems...</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽...
BLOGGING BOUNTY【電子書籍】[ Jon Sommers ]
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<p>Finally learn how to use your blog as a cash machine and stop wasting your time! This book is one of the most valuable resources in the world when it comes to the network marketers guide to leads through blogs!</p> <p>Networking is an important part of growing any business endeavor and using the blogging tool is another way of reaching the target audience effective and quickly. Understand...
A Problem in Modern Ethics【電子書籍】[ John Addington Symonds ]
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<p>This historically significant essay was one of the first attempts in modern times to examine homosexuality, putting it in a medical, historical and legal context, and to propose that civil rights should be extended to gay people. Along with Edward Carpenter and Walt Whitman, Symonds was one of the pioneers of gay rights and spirituality. Symonds later wrote a companion essay to this, A Proble...