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■COMPUTERS & SCIENCE 【価格の安い順】(件)
<p>Essa ? a hist?ria de Jonny, um programador que cai no sono enquanto trabalha em frente ao computador. Quando acorda, ele se encontra preso em um mundo formado por c?digo e n?meros, e seu corpo tamb?m ? formado por c?digo. Ele tenta entender o que est? acontecendo e como sair dali, e descobre que o mundo ? feito em uma linguagem de programa??o que ele conhece, o Python.Enquanto explora esse mu...
Nagasubramanian Chokkanathan (born January 17) better known by his pen name N.Chokkan is a Tamil Writer who has written two novels and nearly 100 short stories. His works has been translated into other Indian languages. Apart from this, he has written columns in several Tamil magazines. His interest for writing came from his blind aunt for whom he used to read a lot of books. His love for Books th...
Nagasubramanian Chokkanathan (born January 17) better known by his pen name N.Chokkan is a Tamil Writer who has written two novels and nearly 100 short stories. His works has been translated into other Indian languages. Apart from this, he has written columns in several Tamil magazines. His interest for writing came from his blind aunt for whom he used to read a lot of books. His love for Books th...
<p>Quer saber como criar aplicativos para Android sem precisar saber nenhuma linguagem de programa??o? Neste ebook, vamos ensinar de forma simples e pr?tica como transformar qualquer ideia em um aplicativo de forma r?pida e f?cil. N?o perca a chance de aprender essa habilidade valiosa e come?ar a criar seus pr?prios aplicativos hoje mesmo!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご...
<p>In 1901, at the age of 35, H. G. Wells published a small but then widely read nonfiction book called "Anticipations", subtitled <em>Of the Reaction of Mechanical and Scientific Progress Upon Human Life and Thought</em>.<br /> Offering much more than a listing of new gadgets and amazements to come, Wells deals successively with different classes of technical and societal change. The chan...
<p>Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier (1743-1794) has been called the founder of modern chemistry. Among his important contributions were the application of the balance and the principle of conservation of mass to chemistry, the explanation of combustion and respiration in terms of combination with oxygen rather than loss of phlogiston, and a reform of chemical nomenclature.</p> <p>His "Elements of C...
<p>Theodore Dreiser was arguably the most important figure in the development of fiction in the twentieth century. And although world-famous for his novels "Sister Carrie" and "Jennie Gerhardt", Theodore Dreiser was also highly accomplished in journalism, autobiography, and travel writing. In 1919, having recently accepted the publishing contract of a new publisher, Dreiser proposed to publish a...
<p>Originally published in 1865, "Cape Cod" chronicles Henry David Thoreau’s journey of discovery in the early 1850s along this evocative stretch of Massachusetts coastline, during which time he came to understand the complex relationship between the sea and the shore. He spent his nights in lighthouses, in fishing huts, and on isolated farms. He passed his days wandering the beaches, where he ...
<p>Esta ? a primeira edi??o da cole??o A Rainha de Pensamentos.L? vem Pensamentos ? um livro digital que re?ne frases, poemas e pensamentos escritos em momentos vividos pela autora psicanalista, como terapia e reflex?o entre o ano de 2020 e 2021.Est? na hora de pensar sobre Pensamentos,prepare-se!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。...
<p>Existem t?cnicas reais que voc? pode seguir que n?o s? ir? embalar no m?sculo em um curto per?odo de tempo, mas n?o vai te custar um centavo no processo! N?o h? mais suplementos, revistas de m?sculo que v?o enganar voc?.M?todos ineficazes est?o sendo ensinados em todo o pa?s, em academias, manuais de treinamento e at? mesmo por personal trainers que n?o t?m absolutamente nenhuma ideia de como...
<p>O metabolismo ? um dos processos mais incompreendidos do corpo humano. Voc? pode at? ter cometido o erro de pensar que era uma parte do corpo! N?o ?. E a falta de informa??o est? deixando as pessoas confusas.Com esse livro digital voc? vai aprender:O que realmente ? o metabolismo e como program?-lo para ajud?-lo a perder peso rapidamenteComo seu metabolismo ajuda voc? de maneiras que voc? nun...
<p>Esta publica??o ? uma compila??o de rem?dios experimentados e verdadeiros que foram transmitidos atrav?s dos tempos, como muitas pessoas est?o tentando voltar ? natureza e usar mais mat?rias-primas em vez de venenos processados, este guia pode ajud?-lo com uma cura ou rem?dio para algo que o aflige.Tem sido dito que toda doen?a que enfrentamos como seres humanos pode ser remediada com algo na...
<p>Vou te fazer algumas perguntas; Voc? sofre de press?o alta? Voc? foi diagnosticado ou pr?-hipertens?o e hipertens?o? Se as respostas para essas perguntas for sim, esse e-book foi feito para voc?, eu tenho uma ?tima not?cia a Press?o Alta pode ser controlada naturalmente em casa. Seu m?dico ? t?o vigilante em medir sua press?o arterial imediatamente, a hipertens?o arterial ? um assassino silen...
<p>Infarto ? um evento decorrente da interrup??o no fluxo sangu?neo para o cora??o, levando ? morte de parte do tecido card?aco. Geralmente, a falta de irriga??o pelo sangue ? consequ?ncia da obstru??o de uma art?ria por uma placa de gordura ou co?gulo.Como ? o in?cio de um infarto?? poss?vel prever um infarto?Qual o rem?dio caseiro para evitar o infarto?O que ? um Pr?-infarto?Encontre a respost...
<p>Building projects for flight and space is one of the most popular areas in recent times. From building mini satellites to setting up weather balloons that fly to what is termed as near space, open source hardware and software solutions are driving the poor man’s space program.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場...
<p>Le philosophe fran?ais Auguste Comte (1798-1857) a constuit une des plus grandes philosophies syst?matiques du XIXe si?cle. C’est entre 1830 et 1842 qu’il va fournir son plus fameur ?crit surle positivisme en publiant son Cours de philosophie positive. D?s les premi?res le?ons, Comte fixe les deux id?es ma?tresses de sa philosophie positivie : 1° un moyen : organiser les sciences en une vas...
<p>In spite of a few challenges, the Indian solar industry is expected to grow substantially from 2600MW to 20,000MW by 2022 with the help of government and solar manufacturers’ initiatives. We might soon see Indian cities turning into ‘solar cities’ in the near future</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こち...
<p>Lack of quality designers and preference for VLSI and embedded bring many new opportunities to the field of PCB designing. In this article, we cover the kind of opportunities available in India, the skills expected and pay packages offered, plus some suggestions from industry experts</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わら...
<p>With a simple Google search, you can read about dozens of revolutionary developments in three-dimensional (3D) printing. You can read about how it has given wings to do-it-yourself (DIY) enthusiasts, how everyis a maker today, how nutritious food can be 3D-printed in the shapes of cartoon characters to make it more attractive to kids, how an injured Winnipeg pooch called Oreo was made to run ...
<p>Precision has always been one of the five most important attributes of a weapon, with operational range, striking power, volume of fire and portability being the other four. The stateof- the-art precision-guided munitions (PGMs) combine all these attributes to make them a potent force multiplier in the contemporary battlefield. Emergence and subsequent maturity of PGMs, made possible mainly d...
<p>Linux divides its physical memory (RAM) into chunks called pages. Swapping is the process whereby pages get transferred to a preconfigured hard disk area. The quantum of swap space is determined during the Linux installation process. This article is all about swap space, and explains the term in detail so that newbies don’t find it a problem choosing the right amount of it when installing Li...
<p>Millions of bytes of data are being generated every moment, every day, around the world, and this volume will only increase in the future. The storage of all these bytes has become a challenge. Simple storage is no longer enoughthe data that is stored has to be safe, secure and retrievable. Of the many data storage solutions available today, this article evaluates the best open source storage...
<p>Branded as the most overhyped technology by Garner’s hype cycle report, the Internet of Things (IoT) has seen a large number of technologies being built to harness the symbiotic relationship between data from the IoT and analytics of Big Data.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ...
<p><strong>Learn how you can lose POUNDS of excess weight and get a flat belly - quickly, easily & safely - without spending money on stupid diet pills or scams!</strong></p> <p>Discover why you need to lose your belly fat and improve your health ? and exactly how you can do it easily, safely and quickly ? without supplements, gym memberships or ‘fad’ diets.</p> <p>- Say goodby...
<p>Programming devicesーand robotsーto do stuff is no longer exciting. The next thing on the wish list is robots that learn how to behave and do things autonomously, just like humans and animals learn as they grow up</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。...
<p>The first article in the Wireshark series, published in the July 2014 issue of OSFY, covered Wireshark architecture, its installation on Windows and Ubuntu, as well as various ways to capture traffic in a switched environment. Interpretation of DNS and ICMP Ping protocol captures was also covered. Let us now carry the baton forward and understand additional Wireshark features and protocol int...
<p>Carbon dioxide and helium-neon lasers are the two commonly used gas lasers used in tactical military applications. High-power lasers, such as carbon dioxide gas dynamic lasers, hydrogen fluoride/deuterium fluoride lasers and chemical oxy-iodine lasers, which can generate mega-watts of CW power for directed-energy weapon applications, are also broadly classified as gas lasers. These lasers are...