【みんなのポイント資産】43億6954万3552円相当 (本日の増減 -14万8050円) [22:39現在]
■SOCIAL SCIENCE 【評価の多い順】(件)
<p>Esta obra verdadeira, pr?tica, rica em base e princ?pios b?blicos, edificante do in?cio ao fim. Voc? ser? muito enriquecido com a leitura deste livro, ? medida em que entender que o chamado da vida crist? envolve liderar a partir da sua pr?pria realidade, seja ela qual for. Independentemente se o faz atrav?s do minist?rio pastoral ou como empreendedor, professor, pregador, discipulador, mento...
<p>Neste livro, o autor toma a hist?ria de Mois?s, personagem b?blico que se tornou um dos maiores l?deres que o mundo j? conheceu, mas que, ao ser chamado por Deus, respondeu inicialmente com completa incredulidade, esquivando-se da possibilidade de se tornar um instrumento sobrenatural em suas m?os. O que levou aquele homem a adotar, por tanto tempo, a mediocridade como estigma e o que o Senho...
<p>This book briefly explore U.S. President-elect Donald Trump.<br /> Trump contract with American, Trump Tax Rate Brackets, Trump's Victory Speech, Cabinet Speculation, Protest,<br /> Balance budget by better management not cutting earned benefits of poor and elderlies. Tax break for super rich. Criticizing any country's policies is not Anti-religion such as Saudi Arabia or Vatican or any c...
<p>This work argues that logistics in warfare is crucial to achieving strategic success. The author identifies logistical capabilities as an arbiter of opportunity, which plays a critical role in determining which side will hold the strategic iniative in war. Armies which have secured reliable resources of supply have a great advantage in determining the time and manner in which engagements take...
<p>The Nuremberg trials were a series of military tribunals held after World War II by the Allied forces under international law and the laws of war. The trials were most nofor the prosecution of prominent members of the political, military, judicial, and economic leadership of Nazi Germany, who planned, carried out, or otherwise participated in the Holocaust and other war crimes. The trials wer...