【みんなのポイント資産】43億7092万6160円相当 (本日の増減 -10万4525円) [23:40現在]
■バイク装着用ナビ 【価格の高い順】(件)
■商品概要【The DataLog Pro comes with】・DataLog Pro・Antenna with 90 degree SMA joint for TPMS receiver・GPS receiver・Main wiring・Extension with support for TPMS antenna■詳細説明The DataLog Pro is developed on the same electronics as the ChromePro2 with which it also shares most of the software.Designed for those who want the most from their electronics,butwithout being able to replace the dashboar...
■商品概要USA■詳細説明Equipped with prearrangement for ergonomic installation on themotorbike through top support, which makes it clearly visible alsowith tank bags thanks to a wide 4.3” screen.It fully meets the most demanding bikers’ needs.Its interface is easy to use also while wearing gloves.It features a robust and water-proof structure, resistant to fuelspray and UV rays.It has a Bluetoot...
■詳細説明Ducati Zumo390 satellite navigator kit preset for ergonomicinstallation on the motorcycle and featuring a dual-channelBluetoothR connection, supporting simultaneous use of intercom andmobile phone.The new, waterproof and glove-friendly Zumo390 meets all biker’srequirements, thanks to its cutting-edge navigation system andgeolocalisation of the whole Ducati service network preloaded ont...
■商品概要■Panasonic CF-28/31専用■シングルRFカラー:ブラックサイズ:1.5インチボール重量(グラム):3217g材質(素材)・高強度アルミニウム(Marine-grade aluminum)・高強度複合材(High strength composite)内容量(数量):1個適合機種:【Panasonic/パナソニック】 Toughbook CF-28 Toughbook CF-29 ToughbookCF-30 Toughbook CF-31■注意点※この商品はCサイズ(1.5インチボール)規格です。他のボールサイズとの互換性はありません。※取付け時は使用...
■商品概要旧品番:96580172B■詳細説明The electronic finish line feature and instrument panel timedisplay are supplemented by the acquisition oftrajectories,speed,RPM,gear,throttle opening angle,and electronicsystems operation.Thanks to the software provided,multiple sessions can beanalysed.Equipped with memory support capable of capturing data for about 25hours of motorcycle use.■注意点※取り扱...
■詳細説明Ducati satellite navigator kit Zumo350; with dedicated features,including authorized service center directory and provisions forergonomic installation on the bike, this GPS is designed to meetthe specific needs of motorcyclists.Glove friendly, waterproof, equipped with Bluetooth module forcompatible earpads and helmets, the Ducati navigation system comeswith Lifetime subscription for...
■商品概要防水防塵性:IP67外部メモリ:64GBまでのMicroSDカード内部メモリ:32GB画面:480×272ピクセル、101mm対角線重量:410g(本体)表示部サイズ:タテ50.5mm×ヨコ89.2mm本体サイズ:タテ9cm×ヨコ14.4cm×高さ4.7cm動作温度:0-60度保管温度:-20-80度速度(SPD):0-320kmh距離(ODO):0-999999km標高(ELV):9000メートルエンジン温度(ENG):-40-210度累積乗車時間(CLOCK):0-99999時間GPS記録率(Time/Distance):1、2、5 秒/1、5、10メートル外部電源入力:8V-...
■商品概要防水防塵性:IP67外部メモリ:64GBまでのMicroSDカード内部メモリ:32GB画面:480×272ピクセル、101mm対角線重量:410g(本体)表示部サイズ:タテ50.5mm×ヨコ89.2mm本体サイズ:タテ9cm×ヨコ14.4cm×高さ4.7cm動作温度:0-60度保管温度:-20-80度速度(SPD):0-320kmh距離(ODO):0-999999km標高(ELV):9000メートルエンジン温度(ENG):-40-210度累積乗車時間(CLOCK):0-99999時間GPS記録率(Time/Distance):1、2、5 秒/1、5、10メートル外部電源入力:8V-...
■商品概要防水防塵性:IP67外部メモリ:64GBまでのMicroSDカード内部メモリ:32GB画面:480×272ピクセル、101mm対角線重量:410g(本体)表示部サイズ:タテ50.5mm×ヨコ89.2mm本体サイズ:タテ9cm×ヨコ14.4cm×高さ4.7cm動作温度:0-60度保管温度:-20-80度速度(SPD):0-320kmh距離(ODO):0-999999km標高(ELV):9000メートルエンジン温度(ENG):-40-210度累積乗車時間(CLOCK):0-99999時間GPS記録率(Time/Distance):1、2、5 秒/1、5、10メートル外部電源入力:8V-...
■商品概要防水防塵性:IP67外部メモリ:64GBまでのMicroSDカード内部メモリ:32GB画面:480×272ピクセル、101mm対角線重量:410g(本体)表示部サイズ:タテ50.5mm×ヨコ89.2mm本体サイズ:タテ9cm×ヨコ14.4cm×高さ4.7cm動作温度:0-60度保管温度:-20-80度速度(SPD):0-320kmh距離(ODO):0-999999km標高(ELV):9000メートルエンジン温度(ENG):-40-210度累積乗車時間(CLOCK):0-99999時間GPS記録率(Time/Distance):1、2、5 秒/1、5、10メートル外部電源入力:8V-...
■商品概要防水防塵性:IP67外部メモリ:64GBまでのMicroSDカード内部メモリ:32GB画面:480×272ピクセル、101mm対角線重量:410g(本体)表示部サイズ:タテ50.5mm×ヨコ89.2mm本体サイズ:タテ9cm×ヨコ14.4cm×高さ4.7cm動作温度:0-60度保管温度:-20-80度速度(SPD):0-320kmh距離(ODO):0-999999km標高(ELV):9000メートルエンジン温度(ENG):-40-210度累積乗車時間(CLOCK):0-99999時間GPS記録率(Time/Distance):1、2、5 秒/1、5、10メートル外部電源入力:8V-...
■商品概要防水防塵性:IP67外部メモリ:64GBまでのMicroSDカード内部メモリ:32GB画面:480×272ピクセル、101mm対角線重量:410g(本体)表示部サイズ:タテ50.5mm×ヨコ89.2mm本体サイズ:タテ9cm×ヨコ14.4cm×高さ4.7cm動作温度:0-60度保管温度:-20-80度速度(SPD):0-320kmh距離(ODO):0-999999km標高(ELV):9000メートルエンジン温度(ENG):-40-210度累積乗車時間(CLOCK):0-99999時間GPS記録率(Time/Distance):1、2、5 秒/1、5、10メートル外部電源入力:8V-...
\ (税込)
ポイントアップ期間:2025/01/01 00:00〜2025/01/03 23:59
ポイントアップ期間:2025/01/01 00:00〜2025/01/03 23:59
■詳細説明TERMIGNONI T800 UPMAP ECU CONTROLUpMap allows you to access a universe of mappings developed andtested by our experts.Thanks to the connection between the UpMap application and the T800PLUS device, you can configure yours easily and in completeautonomy.With the new model of UpMap T800 + both the memory space and thetransfer speed have been doubled, in this way the new control unitis abl...
■詳細説明TERMIGNONI T800 UPMAP ECU CONTROLUpMap allows you to access a universe of mappings developed andtested by our experts.Thanks to the connection between the UpMap application and the T800PLUS device, you can configure yours easily and in completeautonomy.With the new model of UpMap T800 + both the memory space and thetransfer speed have been doubled, in this way the new control unitis abl...
■詳細説明TERMIGNONI T800 UPMAP ECU CONTROLUpMap allows you to access a universe of mappings developed andtested by our experts.Thanks to the connection between the UpMap application and the T800PLUS device, you can configure yours easily and in completeautonomy.With the new model of UpMap T800 + both the memory space and thetransfer speed have been doubled, in this way the new control unitis abl...
■詳細説明TERMIGNONI T800 UPMAP ECU CONTROLUpMap allows you to access a universe of mappings developed andtested by our experts.Thanks to the connection between the UpMap application and the T800PLUS device, you can configure yours easily and in completeautonomy.With the new model of UpMap T800 + both the memory space and thetransfer speed have been doubled, in this way the new control unitis abl...
■詳細説明TERMIGNONI T800 UPMAP ECU CONTROLUpMap allows you to access a universe of mappings developed andtested by our experts.Thanks to the connection between the UpMap application and the T800PLUS device, you can configure yours easily and in completeautonomy.With the new model of UpMap T800 + both the memory space and thetransfer speed have been doubled, in this way the new control unitis abl...
■詳細説明TERMIGNONI T800 UPMAP ECU CONTROLUpMap allows you to access a universe of mappings developed andtested by our experts.Thanks to the connection between the UpMap application and the T800PLUS device, you can configure yours easily and in completeautonomy.With the new model of UpMap T800 + both the memory space and thetransfer speed have been doubled, in this way the new control unitis abl...
■詳細説明TERMIGNONI T800 UPMAP ECU CONTROLUpMap allows you to access a universe of mappings developed andtested by our experts.Thanks to the connection between the UpMap application and the T800PLUS device, you can configure yours easily and in completeautonomy.With the new model of UpMap T800 + both the memory space and thetransfer speed have been doubled, in this way the new control unitis abl...