■COMPUTERS & SCIENCE 【価格の安い順】(件)



Early Cancer Detection in Primary Care Are You Aware of New Blood-Based Multi-Cancer Screening Tools【電子書籍】[ Lincoln Nadauld, MD, PhD ]
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<p>Despite significant advances in therapy, cancer continues to impose enormous medical, economic, and social burdens. Each year in the United States, approximately 1700 people die from cancer each day, making it the leading cause of mortality in people younger than 80 years old. The costs of treating cancer, including drugs, hospitalization, and ambulatory care, exceed $157 billion annually. In...
Getting Low in Familial Hypercholesterolemia Reducing LDL-C and a Lifetime of Cardiovascular Risk【電子書籍】[ Michael Davidson, MD, FACC, FACP, FNLA ]
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<p>FH is marked by high levels of circulating LDL-C, leading to increased risk of premature atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD). Patients frequently remain undiagnosed, resulting in poor outcomes and failure to diagnose family members. Clinicians should be aware of the diagnostic criteria as well as the importance of genetic testing. FH generally responds inadequately to traditional l...
Tem?tica - Ci?ncias da Vida - Evolu??o【電子書籍】[ Editora Planeta do Brasil ]
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<p>Mergulhe na fascinante investiga??o das teorias e evid?ncias que explicam a origem e a diversidade das esp?cies ao longo do tempo. Este livro explora conceitos fundamentais como sele??o natural, adapta??o e especia??o, oferecendo uma compreens?o profunda de como as esp?cies evoluem e se diversificam. Ideal para estudantes, pesquisadores e entusiastas da biologia, esta obra ? um recurso indisp...
Car?ter【電子書籍】[ Ralph Waldo Emerson ]
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<p><em><strong>“Car?ter”</strong></em> ? um ensaio escrito por <strong>Ralph Waldo Emerson</strong>, um influente fil?sofo, ensa?sta e poeta americano do s?culo XIX. Publicado em 1841 como parte de sua cole??o de ensaios intitulada “Ensaios: Primeira S?rie”, <em><strong>“Car?ter”</strong></em> explora o conceito de car?ter individual e sua import?ncia na vida das pessoa...
How Mobile Phones Work【電子書籍】[ N Chokkan ]
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Nagasubramanian Chokkanathan (born January 17) better known by his pen name N.Chokkan is a Tamil Writer who has written two novels and nearly 100 short stories. His works has been translated into other Indian languages. Apart from this, he has written columns in several Tamil magazines. His interest for writing came from his blind aunt for whom he used to read a lot of books. His love for Books th...
How Camera Works【電子書籍】[ N Chokkan ]
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Nagasubramanian Chokkanathan (born January 17) better known by his pen name N.Chokkan is a Tamil Writer who has written two novels and nearly 100 short stories. His works has been translated into other Indian languages. Apart from this, he has written col画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ...
K?resel Is?nmay? Durdural?m,D?nyay? De?i?tirelim!【電子書籍】[ Jonathan Neale ]
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<p>K?resel ?s?nma gezegenimizi tehdit ediyor. Asl?nda sorunu ??zecek teknolojiye sahibiz ama karbona dayal? son derece g??l? ?irketler ve neoliberal iktidarlar bu konuda hi?bir ?ey yapm?yor, yapmayacak. Dolay?s?yla onlara kar?? ??kabilecek tek g?c?, yani d?nya n?fusunun b?y?k ?o?unlu?unu, insanlar ve gezegenimiz i?in de?il sadece k?r i?in var olan kapitalizme kar?? harekete ge?irmeliyiz. K?resel...
Electrical Oscillators【電子書籍】[ Nikola Tesla ]
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<p>Nikola Tesla was a genius who revolutionized how the world looks at electricity. In 1893 he patented an electro-mechanical oscillator as a steam-powered electric generator. By his own account, one version of the oscillator caused an earthquake in New York City in 1898, for which it was accorded the moniker, "Tesla's earthquake machine."</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご...
Icarus or The Future of Science【電子書籍】[ Bertrand Russell ]
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<p><strong>Mr. Haldane's Daedalus has set forth an attractive picture of the future as it may become through the use of scientific discoveries to promote human happiness.</strong> Much as I should like to agree with his forecast, a long experience of statesmen and governments has made me somewhat sceptical.</p> <p>I am compelled to fear that science will be used to promote the power of d...
High Frequency Oscillators for Electro-Therapeutic and Other Purposes【電子書籍】[ Nikola Tesla ]
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<p>Nikola Tesla was a genius who revolutionized how the world looks at electricity.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。...
Aspiraci?n a un nuevo humanismo【電子書籍】[ Ignacio Ch?vez ]
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<p>Este libro recoge las palabras que Ignacio Ch?vez pronunci? en el III Congreso Mundial de Cardiolog?a, celebrado en septiembre de 1958 en Bruselas. En esta obra el autor analiza el r?pido devenir de la medicina en las primeras d?cadas del siglo xx, as? como los beneficios y los perjuicios que ha tra?do consigo la especializaci?n m?dica, gracias a la cual el profesional se dedica ?nicamente a ...
The Wireless Tesla【電子書籍】[ Nikola Tesla ]
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<p>Nikola Tesla dreamed of a wireless future. In this fully illustrated volume we have collected fifteen of his essays having to do with wireless. These include the "True Wireless," "Tesla's Wireless Light," "The Transmission of Electrical Energy Without Wires," "The Future of the Wireless Art," "Nikola Tesla Sees A Wireless Vision," and many others. Nikola Tesla has been called the most importa...
Experiments with Alternate Currents of High Potential and High Frequency【電子書籍】[ Nikola Tesla ]
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<p>Nikola Tesla was a genius who revolutionized how the world looks at electricity.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。...
Famous Scientific Illusions【電子書籍】[ Nikola Tesla ]
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<p>Nikola Tesla was a genius who revolutionized how the world looks at electricity.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。...
De la amibiasis al zika【電子書籍】[ Adolfo Mart?nez Palomo ]
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<p>Esta obra re?ne un conjunto de art?culos de divulgaci?n publicados originalmente en el peri?dico La Cr?nica de Hoy. En ella el autor se ocupa de diversas enfermedades infecciosas, de la amibiasis al zika, y del problema de salud p?blica que han representado en las ?ltimas d?cadas. El mal de Chagas, la oncocercosis, el paludismo, la rabia, el ?bola, el zika, entre otros, se exponen claramente,...
Magnetic Current【電子書籍】[ Edward Leedskalnin ]
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<p>Following is the result of my two years experiment with magnets at Rock Gate, seventeen miles Southwest from Miami, Florida. Between Twenty-fifth and Twenty-sixth Latitude and Eightieth and Eighty-first Longitude West. The earth itself is a great big magnet. Now I will tell you what magnetic current is. Magnetic current is the same as electric current is a wrong expression. Really it is not o...
On Light and Other High Frequency Phenomena【電子書籍】[ Nikola Tesla ]
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<p>Nikola Tesla was a genius who revolutionized how the world looks at electricity.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。...
Telecomunicaciones Historia y conceptos b?sicos【電子書籍】[ Luis Felipe Rodr?guez Jorge ]
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<p>En esta obra el autor explica con claridad y sencillez qu? son las telecomunicaciones, qu? es una onda y c?mo se caracteriza, qu? es el espectro electromagn?tico, c?mo funcionan las telecomunicaci?n al?mbrica e inal?mbrica, entre otros temas. Tambi?n aborda algunas de las aplicaciones de la comercializaci?n de las telecomunicaciones al?mbricas e inal?mbricas, tales como la telefon?a, la teleg...
The Art of War With Linked Table of Contents【電子書籍】[ Sun Tzu ]
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<p>This is the most important book ever written about warfare and conflict. Lionel Giles' translation is the definitive edition and his commentary is indispensable. The Art of War can be used and adapted in every facet of your life. This book explains when and how to go to war, as well as when not to. Learn how to win any conflict whether it be on the battlefield or in the boardroom.</p>画面が...
Patolog?a de la pobreza【電子書籍】[ Ruy P?rez Tamayo ]
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<p>Este volumen est? formado por cuatro breves ensayos escritos a lo largo de diecis?is a?os con el objetivo de analizar la relaci?n entre pobreza y enfermedad, as? como las posibilidades de acci?n de la medicina en una sociedad donde la vida de gran parte de la poblaci?n est? marcada por la carencia. El autor examina la situaci?n particular de M?xico y los retos de salud p?blica que la medicina...
The True Wireless【電子書籍】[ Nikola Tesla ]
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<p>Nikola Tesla was a genius who revolutionized how the world looks at electricity.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。...
A New System of Alternating Current Motors and Transformers【電子書籍】[ Nikola Tesla ]
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<p>Nikola Tesla was a genius who revolutionized how the world looks at electricity. During college his professors explained that it was impossible to design an engine without commutators or brushes. Tesla was unconvinced that such was necessary or even particularly desirable. It was then that Tesla began his work on the rotating field motor that ultimately gave birth to the modern age. In May of...
Horse Secrets【電子書籍】[ A. S. Alexander ]
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<p>Dr. A. S. Alexander, the writer and compiler of “Horse Secrets,” has had upward of 25 years’ experience in matters pertaining to agriculture, horse breeding, veterinary science, press writing and teaching. He was the author of the first stallion service legislation and inspection regulation in America, the first law of the kind having been written by him and enacted by the Wisconsin Legisl...
Real-Time UML Workshop for Embedded Systems【電子書籍】[ Bruce Powel Douglass ]
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<p>Written as a workbook with a set of guided exercises that teach by example, this book gives a practical, hands-on guide to using UML to design and implement embedded and real-time systems.</p> <ul> <li>A review of the basics of UML and the Harmony process for embedded software development: two on-going case examples to teach the concepts, a small-scale traffic light control system and a...
The Changing Landscape of IBD Emerging Concepts in Patient Management【電子書籍】[ Raymond Cross, MD, MS ]
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<p>In the past 2 decades, the introduction of biologic therapies that target underlying disease processes has dramatically changed the treatment of the inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs), ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. Current biologic therapy with tumor necrosis factor inhibitors and anti-integrins has improved the treatment of IBD flares and maintenance of clinical remission. These a...
Edebiyatta Sanatta ve Pop?ler K?lt?rde K?skan?l?k【電子書籍】[ Peter Toohey ]
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<p>K?skan?l?k, "???nc? ?ahs?n ?iiri"dir!<br /> K?skan?l?k ve haset ayn? anlama m? gelir?<br /> Ya da g?pta?<br /> Ya da imrenmek?<br /> K?skan?l??? di?erlerinden ay?ran ?ey nedir?<br /> Peter Toohey'e kulak verecek olursak:<br /> A?k ??geni. Hani o "???nc? ?ahs?n ?iiri"ni ac?, ?fke ve ?aresizlik hissiyle dolduran ??gen.</p> <p>Toohey'in pe?ine tak?l?p edebiyatta, sanatta ve pop?l...
臺灣風景 1941年日籍攝影師西川榮一拍攝的臺灣風景照片【電子書籍】[ 西川榮一 ]
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<p>《臺灣風景》為日籍攝影師西川榮一的作品,出版於昭和十六年(1941)十二月,共蒐?了58張攝影作品,景點包括臺北新公園、植物園、草山?泉、大稻?、臺中、臺南、花蓮等地,除了自然風光之外,也有人物寫真。</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。...
How to reap the rewards while technology works for you Enjoy the rewards while app and games works for you【電子書籍】[ Vicente Ribeiro G. Jr. - Osmar Andr? V. ]
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<p>Enjoy the rewards while technology works for you! The title of this E-book may appear misleading to some people but it is possible to make clever use of technology to mint money for you while you enjoy the fruits of life. Who doesn't want to go on a vacation that never ends? But working 9-5 in an office for your boss or running your own small business will never leave you enough time and mone...
O LIVRO SECRETO DA SUPERA??O DE FOBIAS Ven?a Fobias para Sempre Usando T?cnicas Eficazes e Cientificamente Comprovadas【電子書籍】[ ANDRE L D CUNHA ]
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<p>O portador de uma fobia sente uma amea?a de les?o, perigo ou morte de modo extremamente exagerada ou pior - percebe coisas que nem mesmo existem. Mesmo sabendo que n?o faz muito sentido, nestas pessoas o tal medo, temor ou repulsa ainda assim persiste. Pense em suas pr?prias fobias e voc? entender? claramente o que quero dizer. Por exemplo, para algumas pessoas pode parecer que a aranha que s...
35 Inventions Which Changed The World. FROM WHEELS TO ROBOTS.【電子書籍】[ Mohammed Junaid Peer ]
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<p>THIS BOOK FEATURES AMAZING 35 IMPORTANT INVENTIONS OF THE WORLD FOR CHILDERN TO UNDERSTAND AND CREATE.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。...